Maybe more to the point: You do not want to *code a dependency on* what the
implementing class may do as far as the returned result. :^)
"Brittle code" will eventually break. Murphy's Law says that it will break
at the worst possible time for you to have to deal with it. :^D
Sent from: ht
ted basically
> Dog class>>newWhite
> "Returns a new white instance of receiver."
> ^self new
>color: Color white;
is equivalent to
> Dog class>>newWhite
>"Returns a new white instance of receiver.”
> | instance |
instance := self new.
> On 2 Aug 2020, at 19:37, Richard Sargent wrote:
> On August 2, 2020 10:16:54 AM PDT, tbrunz wrote:
>> Thanks, Richard.
>> So adding #yourself is mostly needed for cases where you send #add: to
>> an
>> OrderedCollection (because that returns the added element instead of
Got it. Seems like an important point for those who are trying to understand
the difference between instances and classes.
I've gotten strange results myself until I learned that #yourself is an
essential thing...
Sent from:
On August 2, 2020 10:16:54 AM PDT, tbrunz wrote:
>Thanks, Richard.
>So adding #yourself is mostly needed for cases where you send #add: to
>OrderedCollection (because that returns the added element instead of
>returning the collection as most expect it would)?
It is used when you
Thanks, Richard.
So adding #yourself is mostly needed for cases where you send #add: to an
OrderedCollection (because that returns the added element instead of
returning the collection as most expect it would)?
I've been adding it in all cases, which I guess does no harm.
Sent from: h
On August 2, 2020 9:25:32 AM PDT, tbrunz wrote:
>Shouldn't this code
>> So if you implement a #newWhite method in the "class side" of Dog, it
>> would be something like this.
>> Dog class>>newWhite
>> "Returns a new white instance of receiver."
>> ^self new color: Color white
>be t
Shouldn't this code
> So if you implement a #newWhite method in the "class side" of Dog, it
> would be something like this.
> Dog class>>newWhite
> "Returns a new white instance of receiver."
> ^self new color: Color white
be this instead?
> Dog class>>newWhite
> "Returns a new white i
Hello patrick
> Subject: Class side vs instance side (variables and methods)
> Date: 29 July 2020 at 01:34:22 CEST
> To: Any Question About Pharo Is Welcome
> Being new not only to Smalltalk, but OOP in general, I think I finally am
> understanding things.
Did you read my lear
The "class vs instance" side is one of the most confusing things for
newcomers, I remember struggling with it when I learnt Smalltalk (and
also was a novice in OOP).
It helps you thinking it this way: the instance side is everything
that will affect all instances of such class, and you can th
On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 4:35 PM G B via Pharo-users <> wrote:
> Being new not only to Smalltalk, but OOP in general, I think I finally am
> understanding things. One area I am still unsure about is the class side
> versus the instance side. Does one usually use the clas
--- Begin Message ---
Being new not only to Smalltalk, but OOP in general, I think I finally am
understanding things. One area I am still unsure about is the class side versus
the instance side. Does one usually use the class side when they want those
inherited in every subclass, which frees one
What I like with having class is that you can attach behavior
aTop opposite
-> aBottom
Le 23/7/15 02:40, Peter Uhnak a écrit :
I am trying to figure out where to best place some mapping/data/stable
For example imagine method
2015-07-23 14:33 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák :
> Cache of the mapping is just an implementation detail.
> I was referring to the instance of the ==MyRectangle== object;
> so I am more interested in this from outside perspective --- other objects
> that will have to use the API...
> So whether I woul
Cache of the mapping is just an implementation detail.
I was referring to the instance of the ==MyRectangle== object;
so I am more interested in this from outside perspective --- other objects
that will have to use the API...
So whether I would call
"class-side methods"
MyRectangle oppositeSi
Even if you put the method on the class-side, you would still be
creating an new instance each time. Maybe you can store it in a class
^ oppositeSides ifNil: [ oppositeSidesCache := { #top -> #bottom.
#bottom -> #top.
#topLeft -> #bottomR
I am trying to figure out where to best place some mapping/data/stable methods.
For example imagine method
^ { #top -> #bottom.
#bottom -> #top.
#topLeft -> #bottomRight
} asDictionary
And then the class might hav
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