[Pharo-users] Camp Smalltalk PDX --- August 21st through the 23rd

2015-06-30 Thread Andres Valloud
Camp Smalltalk Portland 2015 is go for August 21st through the 23rd! (and if you arrive earlier on the 20th that's cool too) Please register for the event here: https://www.picatic.com/event14352674835773927 Help us by filling in the questions so you can get your event shirt. And also see tha

[Pharo-users] Camp Smalltalk PDX

2015-03-19 Thread Andres Valloud
A group of Smalltalkers have been discussing the possibility of having a Camp Smalltalk in Portland Oregon, August 20-23. If you think you might be interested in attending such a gathering, please let us know filling our short survey: http://goo.gl/forms/Di0rFPMcLu