Oops. My bad. Thanks all.
For what it may be worth to others:
Still wishing to avoid installing 209 additional library packages
(which is what the ia32-libs wants to fulfill dependencies), I found
that the following three -- well really four -- packages (in addition
to whatever was put in by the
> You'll need to install ia32-libs:multiarch I think if you haven't.
That's what I meant about older parts for a newer car. You're right,
but so far, I've managed to avoid putting the 32-bit libraries on this
> Pharo is 32bits.
The newer Pharo appears to be 64-bit.
View this mess
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Paul DeBruicker [via Smalltalk]
> Its probably more helpful to think of it like learning to drive a car.
> Yes we may want to learn and be taught in the family's brand new car but
> you can get the hang of things equally well in the 7 yr old sedan. The
> di
OK. I surrender. ;-)
So, not liking unnecessary clutter, can I pare down the Pharo +
Kitchen Sink ZIP file (OneClick)? It looks like the only things I'd
need from that are the Contents/Linux and Contents/Resources
directories (and the shell script to launch the pieces properly). Yes?
I am just starting with Pharo and would like to learn what is being offered
at www.pharo-project.org. (I'm also partial to Ubuntu packages, for which
the Pharo Project site helpfully provides instructions.) However, all
tutorial documentation seems to point to a VM and image that are four years