Sorry to be skeptical, but as much as I admire Richard Eng's work, since it
is April 1st (which is April Fool's Day in the U.S.) I am a bit skeptical
of this story. :>{
I hope it's true but ..
> I am trying out the new version of Pillar (build 1940 or 1941) on
> Windows on Pharo 50770, following the Pillar tutorial in Enterprise
> Pharo book:
> I created the new file first.pillar containing: ! Hello World
> I ran: C:\Users\mldavis\Desktop\mldPillarWorking>
> $@
invoke ./mustache --data=output.html.json --template==yourhtmltemplate
Tell me if this is working.
> I am trying out the new version of Pillar (build 1940 or 1941) on
> Windows on Pharo 50770, following the Pillar tutorial in Enterprise
> Pharo book:
> I created the
ml.json --template==yourhtmltemplate
Tell me if this is working.
> I am trying out the new version of Pillar (build 1940 or 1941) on
> Windows on Pharo 50770, following the Pillar tutorial in Enterprise
> Pharo book:
> I created the new file first.pillar containing:
I am trying out the new version of Pillar (build 1940 or 1941) on Windows on
Pharo 50770, following the Pillar tutorial in Enterprise Pharo book:
I created the new file first.pillar containing: ! Hello World
I ran: C:\Users\mldavis\Desktop\mldPillarWorking>Pharo.exe Pillar.image
pillar exp
Super, thank you Marcus. Esteban Maringolo has also already fixed the url in
the book. (see the attachment)
Thank you very much,
From: denker []
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 5:36 AM
To:; Any question about pharo is welcome
Perfect, thank you so much. Tested in Windows 10 from both Microsoft Edge and
Internet Explorer 11.
From: Esteban A. Maringolo []
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
In the milestone release of Pharo By Example 5: "Pharo is also active on
Slack - a platform for chat based on IRC (http:
//, just ask for an invitation at Everybody is welcomed."
However, goes to what appears t