: David There is no magic. You should also consider that pharo-ui is a shell script and that you can also read it and learn. The vm is an executable and it needs an image and it cannot guess where you put it. S. On 22 May 2021, at 18:38, David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com>
David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:Not sure what you mean by ls. Here is the directory. The file called jo is not appearing in the list.On 7 Mar 2021, at 20:01, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:can you show us your file names?and a ls of your directory?On 7 M
of your directory?On 7 Mar 2021, at 20:58, David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:Hi there. I am a long time user of VAST recently moved to Pharo. I have a directory that contains 20 JSON items. I am using the following code to load all of them into a collection.bucketList
I guess that the answer is to move the kv into its own package but I don't know how to refer from one package to another. Can anyone clarify for me. Sent from my Huawei tablet Original Message Subject: [Pharo-users] Sharing classes between packagesFrom: David Pennington To: Any ques
YesSent from my Huawei tablet Original Message Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: Problem with Dictionary and AssociationsFrom: Guillermo Polito To: Any question about pharo is welcome CC: Hi David,do you use the Pharo Launcher?G.> El 16 feb 2021, a las 20:51, David Pennington escribió:> >
I am using STON to objects out to disk. Up to two days ago, I was reading them
in as Dictionaries and converting to objects from there. All of a sudden
yesterday morning, I got an error saying that the association is only indexable
with integers. Even so, I don't seem to be able to access the co