From: Offray Vladimir Luna C?rdenas
That being said, I have always felt that hello world is kind of a
strange introduction to programming:
Surely the traditional Smalltalk first step is
1. Open Workspace/Playground.
2. Type 3+4.
3. Cmd-P
If I can remember that far back, my first exercise w
Ben Coman wrote:
While 'canonicalize' obviously fits, it seems a bit exotic and a tongue
twist at five syllables.
I wonder if 'flatten' might also be suitable. Is there some concept this
wouldn't cover?
There are two distinct issues.
(1) Can this file name be put into a form that would have
To reproduce this, start up Pharo, create a Playground,
and in the Playground type
DateAndTime now timeZone
and to print it.
But do this in New Zealand. Changing to
On 22/11/17 1:47 PM, wrote:
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From: Alistair Grant
I think that there's still use for representing a date as a timespan,
i.e. a 24 hour period that we can use to find the intersection of
times, etc (in addition to adding a timezone offset to a DateTime to
figure out the date in a different country). Whether it needs to
I think the fundamental question is what a Date is supposed
to represent. I have spent a LOT of time thinking about date
and time classes over the last 10 years, and have come to the
conclusion that it makes no sense to view a Date as a Timespan.
Let's take an example.
Christmas this year is goi
I'm obviously missing a lot of the context here, but in my
country (New Zealand) there is something called the
Fair Trading Act.
My understanding from reading the Commerce Commission web
site is that
- false or misleading representations about goods or
services or the availability of goods a
The "Welcome to Pharo6.1" window has a navbar on
the left starting with "Welcome to Pharo 6.1" and
ending with "Getting Help". 3rd to last is
"Using Eternal Packages", which should read "External".