In the issue 18742 add class to manage focusorder, Peter Uhnák says:
The idiomatic way of creating icons should be either
#smallBackIcon asIcon (ideally)
or the long-form
(Smalltalk ui icons iconNamed: #smallBackIcon)
But there is a third way, ComposableModel defines iconNamed: like th
The message selectAll of TextInputFieldModel don't react like its super
class TextModel (selectAll is not define in TextInputFieldModel).
Is that a bug or a feature ?
example := TextInputFieldModel new.
example text: 'dfghjklm'.
example openWithSpec .
example selectAll
I have create the case 18653 Spec documentation to integrate the
comments of classes.
I have create a slice with the comments I have wroten and save it in the
But the slice is not complete because there are lot of things I didn't
understand about Spec.
I haven't resolve the case.
Now I woul
n't like or should fix, but that's a
> long-term plan. We need a more immediate solution for the current mess. -_-
> *TL;DR:*
> 1. imho no point in documenting this stuff _right now_
> 2. it's seriously broken
> 3. we need to clean it up and harmonize first
> like this for quite a while
> I'm quite busy this week, however I scheduled to take a look at the Spec
> book next week as I should probably write something there…
> So if you have any more questions/comments please ask.
> Peter
> On Wed, May 18, 2
widgets keys.
^ SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ :c |
keys do: [ :key | c newRow: key height: self class
buttonHeight ].
c newRow: [ :r | ] ];
Le 18/5/16 à 12:46, Marion Noirbent a écrit :
Because I would use "openWit
lRebuild: false.
self buildWithSpecLayout: self dynamicLayout.
self alignButtons
Le 18/5/16 à 11:31, Marion Noirbent a écrit :
I was trying to use it but i have still the problem to call the
instance method from the class side, so i call the
buildWithSpecLayout: in the method to add
stepharo a écrit :
marion the solution is what peter proposes.
Le 18/5/16 à 11:14, Marion Noirbent a écrit :
In fact i was trying to modify RadioButtonGroup to turn it into a
widget, #buttons is not a widget but its collection of widget.
May you have confused RadioButtonGroup wi
) -
University of Chile
On May 17, 2016, at 13:48, Marion Noirbent
I'm trying to create a widget whith Spec, managing a collection of
RadioButton. But I have a problem with defaultSpec (the accessor of
the collection is the methods "buttons") :
If i put defaultSpec on class side
said the lookup begin by the instance side and
it allow to have specific UI, in part about layout)
^ SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ :column | self buttons do: [ :item | column add:
item ] ];
Any idea ?
Marion Noirbent,
O- get.pharo.org/50+vm | bash
sudo cp ~/pharo/pharo-vm/PharoV40.sources ../../share/pharo-vm/
sudo ln -s ../../share/pharo-vm/PharoV40.sources
Marion Noirbent
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