[Pharo-users] Pharacloud Seaside Rest exception when opening the application

2017-07-14 Thread Lionel Akue
Hello everyone, I have a fully working Seaside MDL application in locale. But when I load the image (pharo 6) to ephemeric cloud and try to open the application, I get: WAArgumentNotFoundError: argument "aPhonenumberString" was not found in #(#arg1 #arg2) Debug Full Stack thisContext WAFullPlac

Re: [Pharo-users] CodeGenerator, your opinions?

2016-10-18 Thread Lionel Akue
Sure I will look and let you know. Lionel Le 18 oct. 2016 18:07, "Hernán Morales Durand" a écrit : > > 2016-10-18 9:35 GMT-03:00 Lionel Akue : > >> Great! >> >> We had the same idea :) >> >> > Let me know if we can join forces to speed uo t

Re: [Pharo-users] CodeGenerator, your opinions?

2016-10-18 Thread Lionel Akue
Great! We had the same idea :) The first requirements I wrote was to generate Spec UI directly. But I rather chose to make Magritte compatible with Spec. So from the Magritte description, we could generate Spec, Seaside ... Lionel 2016-10-18 14:20 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnak : > Hi Hernan, > > I w

[Pharo-users] A Management Software Building Library in Pharo

2016-07-10 Thread Lionel Akue
Hi I am making a library to accelerate the building of management software. I am looking for existing libraries: for UI. (I know Seaside and Morphic) for persistence (I know Garage, Voyage) other tools(I know Magritte for object descriptions) Thanks for sharing other libraries you know about. A