t he is doing a rete.
> Now if I remember correctly kris gybels had a rete .
> Stef
> Le 26/1/15 09:50, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> If anyone is working in a rule engine we could merge efforts because I have
>> implemented one (or something like that) for a project.
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
Op 22-okt.-2014, om 13:39 heeft Sven Van Caekenberghe het
volgende geschreven:
> I do not know how to enable the logging inside the plugin, Chris Gybels just
> told me that he got that working, maybe he can answer. Kris ?
Here's a version of Zodiac-Core with ZdcPluginSSLSession changed to enab
I'm wondering whether the Mac SSL plugin is correct in returning
SQSSL_GENERIC_ERROR from sqDecryptSSL when its SSLRead invocation returns
I'm trying to figure out why ZdcSecureSocketStream is sometimes signaling an
error “Error: SSL Exception: decrypt failed [code:-5]”. I
> Have you tried running the VM from the command line ?
> I would think the output of stdout would appear there.
I thought I'd tried this and didn't get the plugin output.
But I tried again and it does indeed show the plugin output. Must've done
something wrong before. Thanks!
I'm wondering where the output of printf invocations in Mac VM plugins gets
written to?
I'd like to see the value of 'status' that gets printed in the following line
in the Mac SSL plugin:
I (think I) know how to con