10,000 was maybe a very large loop for the + 1..)
Did I damage something in the image maybe? I started this one just yesterday to
look at MOOC week1.
I do not need LargeIntegers for now but …
This is Pharo 6.0 64 Bit on Mac OSX Sierra 10.12.5 (iMac 27, 2.9GHz Intel Core
i5, 16GB RAM)
bitXor: 0 -> 2
3 bitXor: 0 -> 3
0 bitXor: 1 -> 1
1 bitXor: 1 -> 0
2 bitXor: 1 -> 3
3 bitXor: 1 -> 2
Picked it up when I was trying to explain the simplicity of the even method on
Methods work just fine, but the description is wrong
Koos brandt