Hi there,
I am trying to automate the fetching of a site content in Pharo. Basically,
I want to fetch smart contract information from Etherscan. Here is an
example URL:
I tried to use Zinc to fetch that, here is my code
Thierry Goubier wrote
> LL(*) brings itself to entirely different hacks to play with the tokens
> and lexical analysis that LR() grammars, and most of the hard work on
> parsers is in that area.
> I haven't looked if the reversed recursion in ANTLR is hard to convert.
I agree. But I have seem
I was trying to convert a ANTLR4 grammar specification to SmaCC. After many
unsuccessful tries that made me question my sanity I wondered: maybe someone
has a solution. Grammar conversion is something that can be automated.
My question is if anyone has done something to convert an ANTLR4 g