init() API function. It
will be released by the mysql_close() function. The MYSQL structure
should be considered as opaque."
I try with MariaDB, because there is a valid mysql binding. I can test
my UFFi Connector agains MySQL. BTW, I use Pharo 8.0
Georg Hagn
Am So., 21. Juni 2020 um 16:12 Uhr s
For an exercise with uFFi i am try an C-Connector for MariaDB like
Garage or UBDC
As in "Unified FFI Februar 12 2020" I made Helper-classes:
FFILibrary subclass: #MariaDBLibC
FFIOpaqueObject subclass: #MariaDBHandle
MariaDBHandle >> unixModuleName [
^ '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'
Am Do., 5. Sept. 2019 um 16:30 Uhr schrieb Esteban Lorenzano
> On 5 Sep 2019, at 17:41, Georg Hagn wrote:
> I have to implemet following external structure (extrakt from the
> german api Doku):
> typedef struct {
> /**@brief MUST be alwa
self abrufCode: anAbrufCode.
ERiCVerschluesselungsParameter >> apiPin: aPin [
| newPin |
newPin := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: 'char' size: aPin size.
aPin doWithIndex: [ :char :i | newPin at: i put: char ].
self pin: newPin.
ERiCVerschluesselungsParameter >> apiVersion: aVersion [
| cryptoVersion |
cryptoVersion := 2.
self version: cryptoVersion.
Georg Hagn