[Pharo-users] Re: The Greatest Contributors to Smalltalk since 1980

2021-07-25 Thread Eric Gade
In terms of widespread availability and durability across implementations, the guys that made Seaside deserve a big shout out. On Sun, Jul 25, 2021, 11:54 Esteban Maringolo wrote: > On Sun, Jul 25, 2021 at 11:31 AM Tim Mackinnon wrote: > > Isn’t this the wrong question to ask? I’m assuming this

[Pharo-users] [Offtopic] Documentary Project

2020-10-06 Thread Eric Gade
Fellow Squeakers and Pharo-ers, Please forgive me if this message is inappropriate for the list. I am hoping you all will be interested in the following project. For the past year and a half I have been working on a team that is developing a documentary

[Pharo-users] Re: Standalone html builder (a la seaside without seaside?)

2020-09-28 Thread Eric Gade
> On 28 Sep 2020, at 19:28, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > > > I often find I want to build some HTML, but don’t want the full seaside > - and was wondering if anyone has managed to extract it, or have something > similar? > I had a similar thought a few months back when I was looking for libraries to

Re: [Pharo-users] CV/OCR Library

2020-08-31 Thread Eric Gade
Hi Esteban, I know that Sean D has wrapped the Tesseract OCR library: https://github.com/seandenigris/Tesseract-St On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 8:42 AM Esteban Maringolo wrote: > Hi, > > Does anybody know if there is an OCR or some CV library available for > Pharo? > > I would like to make an experi

Re: [Pharo-users] Do we have a simple markdown parser?

2020-03-26 Thread Eric Gade
Hi Ramón, I have a couple of questions. If you are using OSProcess in Pharo 8, how are you installing it and from what repository? If I add the Squeaksource version, I do not have the method that you are referencing. Additionally, it would be good to see an example of this in OSSubprocess. Using

Re: [Pharo-users] Do we have a simple markdown parser?

2020-03-24 Thread Eric Gade
Hi Tim, I was looking into this the other day (along with the potential native implementation) and remembered this was posted in Discord: https://github.com/PierceNg/Phoedown It uses an existing C based markdown parsing library via FFI. Evidently, it is quite difficult to make a Markdown parser

Re: [Pharo-users] smalltalk conferences

2020-01-27 Thread Eric Gade
NYC here. Any ST meetups would be great On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 10:06 PM Todd Blanchard via Pharo-users < pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote: > San Diego here. > > > On Jan 27, 2020, at 5:37 PM, tbrunz wrote: > > > > I'm in Los Angeles. Plenty of places to hold conferences here! (San > Diego &

Re: [Pharo-users] Generate class hierarchy from JSON Schema

2020-01-18 Thread Eric Gade
Serge I would also be interested in seeing what you come up with. On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 3:56 AM wrote: > Great work ! I will have a look. > > I want to be able to generate JSON files following a JSON Schema with a > high level API. So my idea was to generate automatically from JSON Schema > th

Re: [Pharo-users] Zeroconf on Ubuntu (14) libz.so.1 error

2020-01-03 Thread Eric Gade
fine. On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 8:12 PM Eric Gade wrote: > Hi All, > > I'm getting an inscrutable error when using the regular zeroconf (curl > https://get.pharo.org | bash) and trying to run the resulting ./pharo > script: > > ``` > > ioLoadModule(/home/egade/ui-t

[Pharo-users] Zeroconf on Ubuntu (14) libz.so.1 error

2020-01-02 Thread Eric Gade
Hi All, I'm getting an inscrutable error when using the regular zeroconf (curl https://get.pharo.org | bash) and trying to run the resulting ./pharo script: ``` ioLoadModule(/home/egade/ui-test-1/ui/test/pharo-vm/lib/pharo/5.0-201901051900/libgit2.so): libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file:

[Pharo-users] Status of Encryption / Keys / Etc

2019-10-30 Thread Eric Gade
Hi all, I'm try to get an idea of the status of keys and key signing (cross platform if possible) in Pharo. Do we have general mechanisms for signing pieces of data, and for encrypting/decrypting based on public/private key pairs, including those set as the default for a given user on a given syste

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnCharacterReadWriteStream error?

2019-10-26 Thread Eric Gade
uce it on Linux, all tests pass ok. Are you using > Pharo 7? Could you post how you're installing it? > > The only thing which seems "strange" are three Zn test methods > overrides, but after merging them no problems. > > > > Cheers > > > > Hernán &g

[Pharo-users] ZnCharacterReadWriteStream error?

2019-10-26 Thread Eric Gade
Hello all, I'm attempting to install the OpenAPI package from Github via metacello and am experiencing an error I'm having trouble wrapping my head around. The package itself requires nothing exotic in terms of dependencies, and seems to be pulling in Zinc

[Pharo-users] Best Practices for Adapting JSON based APIs

2019-09-08 Thread Eric Gade
Hello all, Several times in the past couple of years I've found myself attempting to create objects that incorporate/adapt a given APIs specification -- in other words, building a mini, pharo based SDK for the given API. These are always JSON based APIs. I am not sure what the best practices are

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Explaining Spec2 and why Bloc is on the roadmap

2019-05-02 Thread Eric Gade
Stef, Exciting news all around. Is this s good opportunity to revisit theming? I made a good attempt to wrap my head around themes about a year ago or so, but it's quite complex. If now's not (understandably) the time, how will themes work with this new multiple-backend approach? On Thu, May 2, 2

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo general questions for a commercial application

2019-02-20 Thread Eric Gade
> > 2) For RDBMS forget about DBXTalk and Garage, I would suggest you go > straight to the PostgreSQL client (P3) or SQLite. Those are maintained and > used, the rest... who knows. > If you need ORM you can use Glorp with any of those. > What about MySQL connectors -- is anyone in the community us

Re: [Pharo-users] [VIDEO TUTORIAL] How to use external code editors to code in Pharo

2019-01-24 Thread Eric Gade
Sven asks an important question: why would anyone want to use an external text editor given the power already present in the system? For most of us on the list this question is rhetorical. But let's take a stab at addressing it with the seriousness that, I think, it actually deserves — particularly

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON Custom Mapping Question

2019-01-10 Thread Eric Gade
bit tricky but > in the end the best approach so far. So if you like we can talk. I think > that it could be a good idea to think about how JSON Schema and JSON LD > could fit together. > > Norbert > > > [1] https://github.com/zweidenker/JSONSchema > > Am

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON Custom Mapping Question

2019-01-09 Thread Eric Gade
solution can use the mapping so that saves a lot of trouble! On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 3:14 PM Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Eric, > > > On 9 Jan 2019, at 00:34, Eric Gade wrote: > > > > Hey guys, > > > > I'm toying with the idea of a Pharo implementation

[Pharo-users] NeoJSON Custom Mapping Question

2019-01-08 Thread Eric Gade
Hey guys, I'm toying with the idea of a Pharo implementation of ActivityStreams ( https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#introduction) which is based on a subset of JSON called JSON-LD (for "linked data"). While I do not believe this would entail creating a whole JSON-LD implementation, I do

[Pharo-users] Pharo 7alpha and XMLParser Inspector Error

2018-10-08 Thread Eric Gade
Hi All, There appears to be a problem viewing XML documents / nodes in the inspector when using XMLParser (catalog version) in the latest Pharo 7. When running the following: ```smalltalk xml := 'https://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml' asUrl retrieveContents. document := XMLDOMParser parse: xml

Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a project Label for packages

2018-08-11 Thread Eric Gade
Unless I'm mistaken, the `BaselineOfXXX` is, in part, a description of all the packages used by a given project. On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Alidra Abdelghani via Pharo-users < pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote: > > > -- Forwarded message -- > From: Alidra Abdelghani > To:

Re: [Pharo-users] GIFReadWriter and Animated GIFs

2018-05-23 Thread Eric Gade
a GIF test suite somewhere like there exists one > for PNG (https://pharo.manuscript.com/f/cases/21927/Figure-out-why- > PNGReadWriter-does-not-pass-a-full-test-suite and https://github.com/ > DraagrenKirneh/PngSuiteExplorer). > > > On 23 May 2018, at 21:08, Eric Gade wrote: > &

[Pharo-users] GIFReadWriter and Animated GIFs

2018-05-23 Thread Eric Gade
Hello all, Please excuse the length of this email. A week or two ago I discovered that the GIF implementation in Pharo (and possibly Squeak?) is incomplete. This has two side effects: 1) Not all GIF data will load correctly; 2) There is for now no way to display animated GIFs. It looks like the

[Pharo-users] Morphic, Canvas, and Drawing Polygon Borders

2018-05-16 Thread Eric Gade
I am having some trouble accurately drawing polygons using Morphic and the various Canvas types. My task is to recreate the Mac OS Platinum style buttons, and do be as pixel-accurate as I can. For the basic button, this involves creating a rectangle whose corners are always fattened by 2px on each

[Pharo-users] TLS/SSL and SocketStreams

2018-04-25 Thread Eric Gade
Hello, In the process of maintaining a small IRC client I have written, I'm trying to add the option to connect over SSL. Of course ensuring valid certificates and the handshake et al is quite complicated. Instead I'm attempting to rely on Zodiac's `ZdcSecureSocketStream` instead of a regular `Soc