Re: [Pharo-users] Mutter system news

2016-12-28 Thread Charlie Robbats
16 - pass the galaxy test: 17 - exchange access categories with contractual code migration 18 - emoji feedback On 12/28/2016 1:11 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote: Hi! Here's the master plan, a

Re: [Pharo-users] [Vm-dev] Integrated decentralized localized social networks (was Re: ptsd rage)

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Robbats
Consider words from the street. All those potential Pharo users! On 12/19/2016 8:11 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote: This is how I deal with ptsd. Change the system. On 12/19/2016 8:08 PM, Charlie

Re: [Pharo-users] Other format to Filetree

2016-10-21 Thread Charlie Robbats
I'd like to suggest you teach people Smalltalk natively, so they don't get distracted by the false view of a filetree of classes. One huge differentiator of Smalltalk, from any other language out there, is the live object environment. You should use that environment to teach from or the nuance

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-16 Thread Charlie Robbats
ray := { 1 }. performClosure value: array value: #at:put: value: {1. 'Hello, world'}. array inspect. On 10/16/2016 10:03 AM, Charlie Robbats wrote: and a little block cleanup: | array lookupClosure performClosure | lookupClosure := []. lookupClosure := [:cls :selector |

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-16 Thread Charlie Robbats
ray := { 1 }. performClosure value: array value: {1. 'Hello, world'}. array inspect. Charlie On 10/16/2016 9:54 AM, Charlie Robbats wrote: Here's a little change to get your #perform:withArguments: implemented. | array lookupClosure method | array := { 1 }. lookupClosure := []. lookupC

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-16 Thread Charlie Robbats
iver: array arguments: {1. 'Hello, world'}. array On 10/16/2016 9:32 AM, Ben Coman wrote: On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote: Here, Dmitry, try this code in playground...maybe helps you understand | lookupClosure | lookupClosure := []. lookupClosure :=

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-16 Thread Charlie Robbats
Thanks, that's a good improvement, more readable. On 10/16/2016 9:32 AM, Ben Coman wrote: On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote: Here, Dmitry, try this code in playground...maybe helps you understand | lookupClosure | lookupClosure := []. lookupClosure := [:cls :sel

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-16 Thread Charlie Robbats
Here, Dmitry, try this code in playground...maybe helps you understand | lookupClosure | lookupClosure := []. lookupClosure := [:cls :selector | (cls == nil) ifTrue: [Warning signal: ('selector lookup failure: ', selector)]. (cls methodDictionary at: selector ifAbs

Re: [Pharo-users] How do Smalltalk disambiguate messages?

2016-10-15 Thread Charlie Robbats
I think the nub of your confusion is twofold. The method #at:put: is a keyword method and it isn't right to think o them as two keys. It is one compound key and unlike most every other system, Smalltalk keyword message sends allow the programmer to name each argument. This is very fine indeed.