Kepler, an architecture to organize your software as a set of loose-coupled systems, where each can be easily accessed and has a well-defined responsibility reached it's v5.2.0 version.
What's Changed
Add Pharo 11 support by @gcotelli in
Full Changelog: htt
Chalten, this is a time model that allows to use dates, months, years, etc. in an easy way. reached it's v8.2.0 version.
What's Changed
Add Pharo 11 support by @gcotelli in
Full Changelog:…v8.2.0
Aconcagua, measures as first class objects, that is, an object that encapsulates a number with its unit. reached it's v8.2.1 version.
What's Changed
Fix NumberToArithmeticObjectAdapter > and < by @gcotelli in
Complete NumberToArithmeticObjectAdapter compa
Aconcagua, measures as first class objects, that is, an object that encapsulates a number with its unit. reached it's v8.2.0 version.
What's Changed
Add Pharo 11 support by @gcotelli in
Full Changelog:…v8
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v4.1.0 version.
What's Changed
Refactored HttpRequest class>>#get: by @ezeBalsamo in
Add Pharo 11 support by @gcotelli in
Hi guys
I will present some points around Pharo and P11 in particular
For our May presentation, Stephane Ducasse will present the vision behind Pharo
and how that is been implemented incrementally across multiple releases. In
Stef's words:
"The vision of Pharo is based on three pillars:
- Fi