My first response, is do NOT optimize too early. The performance bottlenecks
are not always where we think they are.
In Pharo you can add methods to BlockClosure class. You can go up to 255
arguments IIRC.
But, of course there is no primitive to handle them, so you endup writing the
I've added an English subtitle track (NOT auto-generated) to correct for
the two minutes of audio difficulty in Adele Goldberg's keynote talk.
The auto-generated subtitle track is incomplete during these two minutes
#This week (13/2023) on the Pharo Issue Tracker.
We merged around 100 Pull Reuests this week (Pharo11 and Pharo12)
To see the state of not yet merged PRs easier, we added a GitHub Board
To see what is happing in Pharo11 and Phar