TaskIt is fantastic! I never realised this existed at all. This is exactly what
I need.
Thanks Pablo
Yeap, not much more to add than what Sven said. What's important to
mention is that they are really stable.
I've been running Pharo servers in DO droplets of all sizes, without
issues (some running for months), I only had to upscale one droplet to
more memory, and it was because of a leak I introdu
You need to define a baseline, that will contain a definition of your
dependencies, and everything needed to load and run your package with Metacello
in Pharo.
For a full documentation, look here:
Socket implementation in the VM already handles Async IO operations.
The execution model in Pharo is intended to have many concurrent green
threads (they are not OS threads, they are handled by Pharo VM). These
green threads are called processes in Pharo.
Pharo Green threads are quite chea
Hi, Vince,
I don't know exactly Pharo, but when you fork a process, it becomes
an independent thread of work. So in that process you can send your
async call and wait for a response and then do the work. All inside the
forked process.
It's the smallalk's scheduler that will take care of passing co