NeoCSVReader is described as efficient. What is that
in comparison to? What benchmark data are used?
Here are benchmark results measured today.
(5,000 data line file, 9,145,009 characters).
Just read characters 410
CSVDecoder>>next 3415 astc's CSV reader
I tested your change with the file and filter (our own way of defining
csv mappings by the end users) which used to send our application into
an endless loop.
And voila: we get an exception instead of a frozen image! I will give
the conversion errors a test drive tomorrow.
I am abso
Hi Sven,
all I can say is: wow. I have no words.
I will have to learn a bit about Pharo and github real quick now in
order to try your changes
Thank you very much. I'll give you feedback as fast as I can.
(And forget my questions about #readAtEndOrEndOfLine. I somhow didn't
Hi Joachim,
Have a look at the following commit:
and specifically the added unit tests. These should help clarify the new
If anything is not clear, please ask.
> On 5 Jan 2021, at 08:49,
I try to do the first steps on my journey to make a nice layout in
willow but I get stuck.
Whatever I try the image which I uploaded is not found.
I include a file out in here :
WADeploymentAwareFileMetadataLibrary subclass: #MyFileMetadataLibrary
instanceVariableNames: ''