Hi all,
I've created below project to keep track of Smalltalkhub project
migration. Please feel free to fork, update and send PR.
GemTalk Systems has just donated CAN$1,311. I greatly appreciate their
I wonder if I can count on the other major Smalltalk vendors. Fingers
horrido wrote
> https://www.gofundme.com/f/jrmpc-2?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1
> Please g
Hello. I would like to modify the text-editing UI in Pharo to add some
affordances I’m accustomed to from MacOS. Specifically, right now
command(a.k.a. meta)-left/right-arrow moves one word left/right in Pharo,
whereas on MacOS this is done with the option(a.k.a. alt)-key, and
I'm migrating my packages from StHub to a self hosted Gitea instance. I
have already a test |BaselineOf| hosted there and referring to other
self hosted repositories. I'm following the [Baselines
Perhaps you should start by looking to see whether there is or are classes
already in the image that do what you want.
Look for classes by name (with wildcards) or for methods. For example, are
there any classes which implement #hours, #minutes, or #seconds (possibly
in the singular form).
On Tue
Rather than spoon feed you for your masters project (and also your question
is a bit generic and hard to answer),
can you report the tutorial examples you've found for LibC, OSProcess and
Then perhaps you can ask more focussed questions about any difficulties you
have doing those tuto
--- Begin Message ---
Sorry that you did not hear from me a long time but I was in a dark
place for a long time.
but im back and have a question
I have to make a clock so the seconds and minutes schould not be above 60,
How can I take care of that ?
and can I put the code here on the class si