--- Begin Message ---
For those interested, my implementation of the SplitMix64 pseudo-random
number generator.
Useful if you need to generate pseudo-random big integers (up to 2^64).
Beno??t St-Jean
Yahoo! Me
Is there any documentation about the architecture of Rubric?
At the moment I feel like I am up to my ears in Editor, EditingModes,
EditingStates, Areas, the occasional morphs, Paragraphs etc.
Besides, I am not even sure I should be looking at Rubric.
RubAbstractTextArea>>class comment:
Friendly reminder:
Today at 17:00 (GMT+2, Paris Time) we have the techtalk about the headless VM
Calendar entry: https://association.pharo.org/event-3419545
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 1:02 PM Marcus Denker wrote:
> Hi,
> Next techtalk will be *next* week (Oct 24):
> Topic: Headless VM
> C
Really nice!!!
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 8:44 AM Santiago Bragagnolo
> I loved it. great job nick!
> El mié., 23 oct. 2019 a las 9:16, Nick Papoylias ()
> escribió:
>> The Lands Platform: Lan.guages and D.omain S.yntax,
>> @sleconf 2019, co-located with @splashcon
>> https://youtu