Hi Joachim
I see. I have submitted a pull request to change the wording to reflect the
real situation.
By the way I work professionally on a 20 year old VA Smalltalk app that we just
upgraded from 6 to 9. That thing is solid as a rock and only walksback with bad
code. Nothing ever else goes wr
I format my pc and reinstall windows..now it works..thank you.
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 18:10 Christophe Demarey
> Hi Ilker,
> It looks like you got the same issue as
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-launcher/issues/349
> If you do not run Pharo Launcher from cmd line or unzip is no
Hi Tim.
I just learned in previous videos of the mooc about using nautilus to
explore using "Implementers of..." or "Senders of..."
I will do that for sure now.
Thanks for your tip.
Hi - While I’m sure everyone can give you an answer - it’s more useful to teach
you how to answer these questions for your self.
Try right clicking with your cursor on asString and choose “implementors of”
(it may have a slightly different name friending on Pharo version - or press
Hi folks.
I'm starting in Pharo studies by FUN Mooc.
In Week 03, on An Overview of Essential Collections there is the example
| days |
days := Dictionary new.
at: #January put: 31;
at: #February put: 28;
at: #March put: 31.
days keysAndValuesDo:
[ :k :v | Transcript show: k asString,