[Pharo-users] Destructive copy in #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:

2019-08-08 Thread James Foster
After many hours of debugging I’ve finally discovered that Pharo’s implementation of #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: does not make any check for overlapping regions to avoid destructive operations. | bytes | bytes := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) copy. bytes replaceFrom: 4 to: 7 with: bytes startingAt: 1

[Pharo-users] [Announcement] Camp Smalltalk - Portland 2019 - October 4-6

2019-08-08 Thread Andres Valloud
Hey all, The Portland Smalltalk Crew is hosting another Camp Smalltalk in Portland this fall. Join us! When: October 4-6 Where: CTRL-H -- Portland Hackerspace Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/camp-smalltalk-portland-2019-tickets-66639706155 Sponsorship: GemTalk Systems Instantiatio

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo Headless - Beta (Actually what is between Alpha and Beta)

2019-08-08 Thread Norbert Hartl
This way cooler than expected. Lot of stuff already done. Great! Norbert > Am 08.08.2019 um 09:53 schrieb "teso...@gmail.com" : > > TL;DR; > == > > For the anxious, you can get real headless vm and image from zero-conf. > > $ wget get.pharo.org/64/80+vmHeadlessLatest | bash > > Zero conf

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Headless - Beta (Actually what is between Alpha and Beta)

2019-08-08 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
That is very impressive, thank you all ! > On 8 Aug 2019, at 09:53, teso...@gmail.com wrote: > > TL;DR; > == > > For the anxious, you can get real headless vm and image from zero-conf. > > $ wget get.pharo.org/64/80+vmHeadlessLatest | bash > > Zero conf scripts remain unchanged for users.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 1.4 porting

2019-08-08 Thread dario.trussardi65
Ciao Carlo, sorry. I add some information about Pharo 1-4 on Mac OS X 10.14.6 ( Mojave ). > > As far as I know there was an issue with the older VM's on Mac OS X where the > graphics subsystem changed, causing that blank/black screen. > > You will probably be a

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 1.4 porting

2019-08-08 Thread dario.trussardi65
Ciao Carlo, thanks. > > As far as I know there was an issue with the older VM's on Mac OS X where the > graphics subsystem changed, causing that blank/black screen. > > You will probably be able to use a different VM and make it work. Excuse my ignorance but I have no experie

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 1.4 porting

2019-08-08 Thread sk via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message --- Hi Dario As far as I know there was an issue with the older VM's on Mac OS X where the graphics subsystem changed, causing that blank/black screen. You will probably be able to use a different VM and make it work. I've got some older Pharo 1.2.2 images and either CogMT.33

Re: [Pharo-users] A Canticle for Smalltalk

2019-08-08 Thread Richard O'Keefe
Nice enough, but where is the canticle? On Tue, 6 Aug 2019 at 03:20, Richard Kenneth Eng wrote: > A big fan of my work created this rogue video: > https://drive.google.com/file/d/1opveHaukFK8WbQ8wg8b14wuKJsjoOZfO/view > > I appreciate the homage, but I can't take credit for it. > > It's really q

Re: [Pharo-users] Desktop - just try ...

2019-08-08 Thread teso...@gmail.com
Very very nice, and it fits perfectly!!! On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 12:16 AM Torsten Bergmann wrote: > > |image| > image := ZnEasy getJpeg: > 'http://www.bing.com/th?id=OHR.NubbleLight_EN-US4307721919_1920x1080.jpg&rf=LaDigue_1920x1080.jpg&pid=hp'. > > World > backgroundImage: image > layout: #s

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Headless - Beta (Actually what is between Alpha and Beta)

2019-08-08 Thread teso...@gmail.com
TL;DR; == For the anxious, you can get real headless vm and image from zero-conf. $ wget get.pharo.org/64/80+vmHeadlessLatest | bash Zero conf scripts remain unchanged for users. However, if you are launching the VM by hand from the executable instead of the launcher scripts (pharo and phar