Just for the record, I am having the same problem..
On February 8, 2019 at 3:20:18 PM, Dominique Dartois (d...@dartois.org)
Hi all
I installed seaside + Bootstrap from the « Catalog Browser », following the
tips at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~TorstenBergmann/
I run Pharo 7 64bits on MacOS
Hi all
I installed seaside + Bootstrap from the « Catalog Browser », following the
tips at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~TorstenBergmann/
I run Pharo 7 64bits on MacOS.
The demo doesn’t react to the mouse clicks. In fact Firefox debugger showed an
incompatibility between Bootstrap and JQuery versio
What are the options for the Inspector to show a 3 x 3 array. For example...
a := Array2D rows: 3 columns: 3 tabulate: [:r :c | (r * 10) + c ].
a inspect.
cheers -ben
I have an app that is ready to deploy to alpha. I usually do this by
creating a script that builds a minimal pharo image, and run that on a
cloud server.
I then use TelePharo to make any live tweaks that need to happen, and
something like:
./pharo Pharo.image "/run/the/script"
to keep run cron j
On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 21:28, Christophe Demarey
> Hi all,
> Pharo Launcher 1.6 has just been released! It is available from
> http://pharo.org/download.
> This new version introduces two major changes:
>- the list of template sources is now externalized as a Ston file.
I am trying to convert the cryptography package to tonel. Take new pharo 7
image, load cryptograpy from github and then in iceberg I select
"Extras->convert sources to tonel".
I get this error ""'Method protocol ''crypto3.9compatibility'' for the
method ''new'' in class ''ThirtyTwoBitRegister'' is
Is there a way to disable the automatic loading of background pic and other
I want new blank images to be that, blank, and customize each to provide a
visual feedback that help me differentiate them at a quick look.
I don't know if there are other preferences being copied as well.
Hi - I’m trying to pick up the Exercism project again - and when trying to come
up with instructions for students to load a clean image from the command line
(to fit in with their expectations from other tracks and show that Pharo is
also capable of great command line foo) I get the error:
Hi Sergio,
> Le 5 févr. 2019 à 14:55, sergio ruiz a écrit :
> Hey, all.
> I REALLY dig the pharo launcher! this is a great addition.
> One quick question.
> How do i go about running a method from the command line?
> Specifically, I usually run something like:
> ./pharo Pharo.im