Date>>ageOn: aDate
" assert: (self <= aDate)
| age |
age = aDate year - self year + 1.
aDate monthIndex < self monthIndex ifTrue: [ ^age - 1 ].
(aDate monthIndex = self monthIndex and: [aDate dayOfMonth < self
dayOfMonth]) ifTrue: [ ^age - 1 ].
HTH .. Subbu
On Friday 21 July 2017 05:28 A
Hmmm to compound my woes ) I notice that Timespan is broken - as the following
| startDate endDate |
startDate := Date year: 2000 month: 2 day: 28.
endDate := Date year: 2011 month: 2 day: 27.
self assert: (Timespan starting: startDa
Hi - I just ran a great MobProgramming session with Smalltalk for the XProLo
group - and there was lots of great feedback and questions, however one of them
really got me thinking…
We did a little exercise to create a Person class with name, dob - and then we
TDD’d an age method… which seems si
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>> On 20 Jul 2017, at 19:57, Johannes Brauer <
> brauer@
> > wrote:
>> Hi!
>> To download a file from Dropbox is easy:
>> ZnClient new
>> https; host: '';
>> addPath: '2'; addPath: 'files'; addPath: 'download';
>> headerAt: 'Autho
> On 20 Jul 2017, at 19:57, Johannes Brauer wrote:
> Hi!
> To download a file from Dropbox is easy:
> ZnClient new
> https; host: '';
> addPath: '2'; addPath: 'files'; addPath: 'download';
> headerAt: 'Authorization' put:
> 'Bearer ';
> headerAt: 'Dropbox-API
To download a file from Dropbox is easy:
ZnClient new
https; host: '';
addPath: '2'; addPath: 'files'; addPath: 'download';
headerAt: 'Authorization' put:
'Bearer ';
headerAt: 'Dropbox-API-Arg' put: '{"path": "/demo.txt"}' ;get.
But I cannot figure out how t
> On 20 Jul 2017, at 12:08, Diego Lont wrote:
> Hi,
> What I remember of STON is that it simply puts out the entire tree. So it
> might include things you don’t want (like thisContext), and also does not
> handle loops well. But that is from memory, I might be wrong there.
Hmm, I think y
> On 16 Jul 2017, at 21:00, Siemen Baader wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m trying to transpile the STON class to JavaScript with PharoJS to use it
> in a client side web application. The goal is it to retrieve object(graphs)
> from the server and deserialize them in the frontend via xhr.
> But
What I remember of STON is that it simply puts out the entire tree. So it might
include things you don’t want (like thisContext), and also does not handle
loops well. But that is from memory, I might be wrong there.
For serialisation you could also look into the Magritte serialisation. It h
It would be nice if the JPMorgan folks could comment on this one (their system
is now 20 years old I think, its huge, has had large numbers of people
successfully working on it - concurrently) and I know they did leverage live
coding ability particularly in error scenarios however there is a cav
I agree
The stupidity of opposing live coding is that they only language that a
computer can execute , machine code, is a live coding language. Live coding
is extremely essential for machine coding and it does this through several
way , using pointer registers to control flow of execution giving a
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