I didn't try Actalk since a long time ;-)
Did you try on Pharo 5.0 ?
Could you push your modifications on the repo?
Sent from my iPhone
> On 28 janv. 2016, at 08:40, stepharo wrote:
> thanks I will have a look.
> (now drilling the floor ;)
> I was reading the implementation of Actalk (port
Le 25/1/16 09:32, David Allouche a écrit :
On 20 Jan 2016, at 16:08, Damien Cassou wrote:
Before starting to implement anything, I need to know if it makes sense.
If you want to help me, please send me all the use cases you have by
giving me:
- the library name (and URL if not in Catalog), o
If you were using a BaselineOf for your project then you could avoid the
the configuration hack by using the Metacello lock command[1] which was
designed to address the problem where you want to use a local git clone
while specifying project references in the configurations using the
Finally I got something working for me. It is not generally applicable but at
the moment I'm happy this works at least. I made it even harder because I store
the smalltalk code in a sub directory because I want to version web resources
along with the code. The smalltalk code is in a sub director
I always have the same problem. When I want to open the image, Pharo is
loading but it never becomes opened.
Thanks in advance,
2016-01-22 11:18 GMT+01:00 Cyril Ferlicot :
> Hi,
> For the latest Pharo 5 you need a new virtual machine: spur.
> You can get it at http://files.pharo
For me what monticello has and git not is that is unobtrusive. Yes
interface is not pretty, but once you have the basics it becomes
invisible. Not the case with git. Hopefully the DVCS support will have
the same amount of invisibility. I know that now things are moving, but
long threads about t
> On 27 Jan 2016, at 23:38, Jimmie Houchin wrote:
> Another surprise.
> ./pharo Pharo.image update
> blows up. Both in the stable 4 and 5 and latest (alpha) versions. On the
> Pharo 4 version it maxed at 1gb ram and the Pharo 5 versions maxed at 3.8gb
> ram and both maxed out a cpu
Hi Thierry,
> Am 27.01.2016 um 06:40 schrieb Thierry Goubier :
> Hi Norbert,
> the development version on Pharo4 has the credentials working now. It
> switches to https instead of ssh if you add a username and a password, since
> a ssh url can't carry a password and, in the case of github,
> On 27 Jan 2016, at 17:46, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Jan 27, 2016, at 4:54 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I managed to add a spotter extension and preview, but I still have some
>> questions.
> Thank you! Can you describe the extension?
Not yet, but soo