See enclosed screen shot..
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 11:59 AM, S Krish
> ok something your post does bring up intrinsically not ok with Pharo, but
> not threatening a bug, as in normal code practice:
>a) We should never assign values into the arguments..
> On compi
ok something your post does bring up intrinsically not ok with Pharo, but
not threatening a bug, as in normal code practice:
a) We should never assign values into the arguments..
On compiling ..
As I see it, the Pharo compiler makes "aText" now a temp variable of the
block ( a
pharo --version returns "3.9-7" and the image's about pane lists "Latest
update: #30848" Is either of those the relevant statistic?
I should also note that I can't seem to find a way to dismiss the issue
tracker window one way or another and ended up killing the vm process.
Probably missing someth
I wanted to make my code more readable but I just didn't know how to do that.
Your code really helped me to see how this can be achieved. thanks
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Hi james,
Your post not only resolved the issue but also introduced me a new approach
which I was looking for it.
Thank you
do you know the reason why assigning to a passed-in argument is illegal by
any chance ?
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You should first take time to improve the readability of your code, do
not forget it is your own food.
What about starting something like (no idea what you want to do however):
recursiveShowLists: aLoL withText: aText tabsNumber: aNumb
| counter index copyText |
copyText := aText.
aLoL lols ifE
The function is not complete and it doesn't do anything. I tried to write a
recursive function to get value of each node of my tree structure, put it in
a String and return it in a proper format so later show it on the transcript
but I couldn't never done that and now I rewritten it completely in a
Hi Aria,
Welcome to Smalltalk and Pharo. I haven’t tried executing your code but I have
a couple observations. I believe that the problem is in attempting to assign to
a passed-in argument. As far as I know, the following is illegal:
foo: aString
aString := aString , ‘ bar’.
Method (an
I am quite at loss to really understand the purpose of the code
written...if you can show in some manner what are you trying to achieve
some pointers can be given in the correct direction. As is I presume the
code will need to rewritten completely..
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 8:43 AM, aria2end wrote
Hello, I am new to smalltalk and I would really appreciate your help so I can
better use and understand Pharo.
So here is the problem, I wanted to implement a function to get the value of
my tree struct nodes in a recursive manner and I wanted to concatenate them
to a String ( aText ) and later s
Hi, I know that I can see senders and implementers of a method but is there
any way to see all methods that are used in a method ? or any way to see
all the send messages to other methods limited to scope of a method ?
View this message in context:
Hi, I know that I can see senders and implementers of a method but is there
any way to see all methods that are used in a method ? or any way to see
all the send messages to other methods limited to scope of a method ?
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why is it that my post is not yet accepted by the mailing list yet. what
should I do ?
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Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at
Evan Donahue wrote
> I am presented with
> a prompt for "Retrieve Slice title" with a field for "issue number" and
> "title."
What version of Pharo are you using (major version and update number)?
View this message in context:
I am working on figuring out how to upload my first project to
smalltalkhub. I am using Versionner and when I commit, I am presented with
a prompt for "Retrieve Slice title" with a field for "issue number" and
"title." Since I have no issue tracking for my project that I am aware of,
I am u
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On 06.08.2014 02:36, Ben Coman wrote:
Is there a Fogbugz case to track it?
cheers -ben
There is now:
Thank you very much. buildWithSpec did it:)
2014-08-06 14:20 GMT+02:00 Mark Rizun :
> Thomas,
> The problem is that I already have lots of tests and it's only the
> beginning. Imagine running 50 tests at one time:) You will see 50 windows
> on screen. Not very good
> 2014-08-06 14:11 GMT+0
The problem is that I already have lots of tests and it's only the
beginning. Imagine running 50 tests at one time:) You will see 50 windows
on screen. Not very good
2014-08-06 14:11 GMT+02:00 Thomas Bany :
> Going through the execution of 'openWithSpec', it looks like the method
> you
On 06 Aug 2014, at 14:11, Thomas Bany wrote:
> Going through the execution of 'openWithSpec', it looks like the method you
> are looking for is 'buildWithSpec'. It definitely instantiate the adapters as
> well as the morphs, with the root of the morph tree being nil.
> I can't tell you if e
Going through the execution of 'openWithSpec', it looks like the method you
are looking for is 'buildWithSpec'. It definitely instantiate the adapters
as well as the morphs, with the root of the morph tree being nil.
I can't tell you if everything will work as intended though, but I don't
see why
Maybe you can manually set the Adapter?
On 06 Aug 2014, at 12:39, Mark Rizun wrote:
> Maybe it can, but it's more convenient for me to subclass it
> So, how do I initialize it for tests without opening it with spec?
> 6 серп. 2014 12:00, користувач "Benjamin"
> написав:
> On 06 Aug 20
Maybe it can, but it's more convenient for me to subclass it
So, how do I initialize it for tests without opening it with spec?
6 серп. 2014 12:00, користувач "Benjamin" <> написав:
> On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:50, Mark Rizun wrote:
> > No they don't:) I just rep
On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:50, Mark Rizun wrote:
> No they don't:) I just replaced a menu of TextModel with my own, and added
> some ast support.
Can’t the menu be changed dynamically in TextModel?
On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:52, Thomas Bany wrote:
> In short, when you call RewriteTool new, you have a fully initialized
> description of the GUI, but you don't have the GUI.
Exactly :)
The model hierarchy is made to be independent of the rendering framework behind.
Okey, I hadn't read your question carefully :)
Looking at TextModel>>sourceTextArea, it returns the widget of the model,
meaning the adapter to PluggableTextMorph. The adapter (and the Morph
behind) is instantiated during the building (called in openWithSpec) of the
model, not its initialization.
The templateText was always initialized. But templateText sourceTextArea is
still nil.
No they don't:) I just replaced a menu of TextModel with my own, and added
some ast support.
2014-08-06 11:45 GMT+02:00 Benjamin :
> On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:30, Mark Rizun wrote:
> > Yes it is invoked(I mean
On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:30, Mark Rizun wrote:
> Yes it is invoked(I mean initializeWidgets in AbstractPanel) if I do:
> RewriteTool new.
If you put the halt after
`self instantiateModels: #(#templateText #MyTextModel).`
can you confirm that templateText is not nil?
> And yes, I needed more func
Thomas, no I don't have super call, because in subclasses I don't have
initializeWidget method
2014-08-06 11:30 GMT+02:00 Mark Rizun :
> Yes it is invoked(I mean initializeWidgets in AbstractPanel) if I do:
> RewriteTool new.
> And yes, I needed more functionality for TextModel
> 2014-08-06
Yes it is invoked(I mean initializeWidgets in AbstractPanel) if I do:
RewriteTool new.
And yes, I needed more functionality for TextModel
2014-08-06 11:26 GMT+02:00 Benjamin :
> On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:16, Mark Rizun wrote:
> Actually in each:)
> I have a class AbstractPanel and there is:
> i
On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:16, Mark Rizun wrote:
> Actually in each:)
> I have a class AbstractPanel and there is:
> initializeWidgets
> self instantiateModels: #(#templateText #MyTextModel).
> templateText
> dragEnabled;
> text: self demoText;
Hi !
Did you call 'super initailizeWidgets' in the 'initializeWidgets' method of
all the subclass of AbstractPanel ?
2014-08-06 11:16 GMT+02:00 Mark Rizun :
> Actually in each:)
> I have a class AbstractPanel and there is:
> initializeWidgets
> self instantiateModels: #(#templateT
Actually in each:)
I have a class AbstractPanel and there is:
self instantiateModels: #(#templateText #MyTextModel).
text: self demoText;
ast: (RBParser parseRewriteExpression: self demoText);
aboutToStyle: true;
model: self;
menuOptionsSelector: #menuAc
On 06 Aug 2014, at 11:04, Mark Rizun wrote:
> initializeWidgets
> self
> instantiateModels: #(#sourcePanel #SourcePanel #resultPanel
> #ResultPanel #matchPanel #MatchPanel #transformPanel #TransformPanel
> #acceptButton #ButtonModel).
Sounds correct so far :)
In wich panel
instantiateModels: #(#sourcePanel #SourcePanel #resultPanel #ResultPanel
#matchPanel #MatchPanel #transformPanel #TransformPanel #acceptButton
2014-08-06 10:58 GMT+02:00 Benjamin :
> I will say it depends how you initialise your objects ;)
> The good way t
I will say it depends how you initialise your objects ;)
The good way to do it is in the method `initializeWidgets`
Could you post it so I can tell you a bit more?
On 06 Aug 2014, at 10:56, Mark Rizun wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing tests for RewriteTool which I build with spec. I have a
I'm writing tests for RewriteTool which I build with spec. I have a
TextModel in this tool.
When I do: /RewriteTool new openWithSpec/, /TextModel sourceTextArea/ is
however in tests I don't want to open a tool, just want to initialize it. So
I wrote /RewriteTool new/.
Everything i
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