First of all, you could simplify your code with dotProduct, writing
dot2 := p1 dotProduct: p2.
But maybe you just need
((p1 normalized) dotProduct: (p2 normalized)) arcCos ;-)
You can also explore the polar coordinates...
On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 8:01 PM, MartinW wrote:
> Hell
Welcome to the club ;-)
On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <> wrote:
> I will, but I need to reiterate because I removed a bit two much.
> Hilaire
> Le 16/03/2014 11:21, Pharo4Stef a écrit :
> > could you let me know the list of classes you
I will, but I need to reiterate because I removed a bit two much.
Le 16/03/2014 11:21, Pharo4Stef a écrit :
> could you let me know the list of classes you are in the system.
> This is clear that we should spend some months on that to get progress.
Dr. Geo
Rounding error?
This may be the reason, igor's version is working with
cos = (a dot b)^2 / (|ab|^2)
while you are using
cos = (a dot b) / |ab|
2014-03-16 17:01 GMT+01:00 MartinW :
> Hello,
> i probably made some embarassing mistake, but as i cannot find it, i ask
> you
> to have a look at th
Christophe Demarey wrote
> … Metacello 2 (also known as Metacello Preview) that is now used in Pharo
> 3.0.
Thank you, this was the missing information :)
And i just tried Versionner. It works very well. Thank you. I did not know
about it's existence.
View this message in context:
i probably made some embarassing mistake, but as i cannot find it, i ask you
to have a look at this method.
It should calculate the angle between two vectors. And vectors are instances
of Point (perhaps here is already a misconception?).
It is used in my flocking simulation PharoBoids
On 15 Mar 2014, at 22:22, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Even with commenting out checkState, the VM crash or the display is all
> white. Just achieved a shrink to ~17MB
> I applyed my pharo 1.4 cleaning and only get to 16.7MB.
> So far, not really great.
could you let me know the list of classe
Never mind, I already moved forward in another direction.
Thanks and keep going on this great effort.
Le 16/03/2014 10:04, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> I don't think this work is meant to be 'public facing', it is more an ongoing
> development effort at modularization and bootstrap
I don't think this work is meant to be 'public facing', it is more an ongoing
development effort at modularization and bootstrapping. One day, all this will
probably lead to a single script that allows end users to shrink an image, but
we're not here yet.
BTW, the image size is only a problem i
It is very sad there is no indication what to do with this work. I
download the zip archive but see not input. Please guy, write at least a
four lines note in a readme.txt file.
Le 15/03/2014
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