I don't think there is a doc explaining differences between Metacello and
Metacello 2 (also known as Metacello Preview) that is now used in Pharo 3.0.
But here is the doc for Metacello 2:
You can also use V
On 13 Mar 2014, at 16:47, MartinW wrote:
> First thing i noticed was that a Configuration does no longer seem to be
> supposed to subclass from Object but from ConfigurationOf?
AFAIK that is not a requirement, maybe just a suggestion/option, but
configurations subclassed from Object definitive
it seems Metacallo changed in Pharo 3 compared to Pharo 2.
First thing i noticed was that a Configuration does no longer seem to be
supposed to subclass from Object but from ConfigurationOf?
Are there other changes? Where can i learn about them? Is there an official
documentation that describes