I finally use NeoJSON to map between the api response and an object that i
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I got the same, https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?12602 .
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
On 14 Jan 2014, at 18:00, Daniel Lyons wrote:
> I'm sure that if I could replace ' with '' on the way out it would be
> sufficient. Forgive my ignorance, but what's the simplest way to do that?
Replace all a's by aa's:
| in |
in := 'shjgababbaz' readStream.
String new: in size streamContents:
Mariano Martinez Peck writes:
> Regarding the SQL injection, yes, we didn't implement the one provided by
> OpenDBX, but you can give it a try yourselfbut you would need to
> recompile stuff.
I may take a crack at it, but I'm not well-experienced with Smalltalk
and certainly not knowledgeabl
Esteban Lorenzano writes:
> no its not :)
> I’m just changing servers and old .com.ar domain is still not refreshed (and
> you, accomplishing murphy’s law, just tried to hit the site now :).
> you can find it at dbxtalk.smallworks.eu
Thanks! This makes me feel much better.
> anyway… no, we di
>> I'm porting this program from PHP. It's a US Census browser, if you're
>> curious: http://census.7gf.org . Anyway, it's basically one table and a
>> huge pile of indexes and some set queries. Each page there is just a
>> different query or two. I got through the front page and the about page
I made the same question a month or so ago.
Apparently it is supported by the driver, but not the implementation.
GLORP mentions it also support parametrized queries. In the case of
Oracle it can be not only a security concern, but also a performance
issue (the CPU use can skyrocket when compilin
On 14 Jan 2014, at 08:54, Daniel Lyons wrote:
>> Did you know there are specialized mailing lists for glorp and dbxtalk? You
>> can find them on forum.world.st.
> If you'd rather I ask there I will, but they did not look promising. The
> DBXTalk site also seems to be gone.
no its not
On Jan 14, 2014, at 12:54 AM, Daniel Lyons wrote:
>> Did you know there are specialized mailing lists for glorp and dbxtalk? You
>> can find them on forum.world.st.
> If you'd rather I ask there I will, but they did not look promising. The
> DBXTalk site also seems to be gone.