2020年12月18日(金) 19:43 bangalore umesh :
> Hi
> Please help me with document for oracle to postgresql
> useing Ora2pgtool
AFAIK the main documentation is the extensive README file, as available here:
Ian Barwick
Please help me with document for oracle to postgresql
useing Ora2pgtool
Thanks and Regards
Rajshekhariah Umesh
On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 3:32 PM, Reddygari, Pavan wrote:
> A view got converted to postgresql, performance while querying the view in
> postgresql is 10X longer compared to oracle.
>FROM (item_attribute_value a
> JOIN item_attribute ON ((a.iav_iat_id = item_attribute.iat_id)))
Pavan Reddygari wrote:
> A view got converted to postgresql, performance while querying the view in
> postgresql is 10X longer compared to oracle.
> Hardware resources are matching between oracle and postgresql.
> V_item_attributes view code as below, same in oracle and postgresql.
> -