Is it a parallel query? If yes the total time is only the time spent in the
> main process, and the IO time is sum of all IO time spent in main process
> and
> the parallel workers, which can obviously be a lot more than the total
> execution time.
Yes, there are parallel workers, that explains
Hello team,
What is the unit of I/O Timings in explain (analyze, buffers) ? There is a
plan with quite a few nodes. In each case, the value of I/O Timings is
much more than the time for the outer node. A few lines from the plan -
Hash Left Join (cost=14320945.22..7099974624.27 rows=19433506270
On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 11:46 AM Jean Baro wrote:
> Hello there.
> I am not an PG expert, as currently I work as a Enterprise Architect (who
> believes in OSS and in particular PostgreSQL 😍). So please forgive me if
> this question is too simple. 🙏
> Here it goes:
> We have a new Inventory