> I'd say it's a pretty different problem. The cache hit ratio
> discussion on that thread talks about underestimating the hit ratio.
> That particular problem could only lead to Memoize plans *not* being
> chosen when they maybe should be. Not the other way around, which is
> your case.
> creat
I have come across a plan that should never get generated IMHO:
FROM extdataregular e1
INNER JOIN extdataempty e2 ON e1.field = e2.field AND e1.index = e2.index
generates the following plan:
Nested Loop (cost=1.13..528540.89 rows=607604 width=4) (actual
> While you're waiting, you might think about recasting the query to
> avoid the OR. Perhaps you could do a UNION of two scans of the
> transactions table?
Thanks for the hint, I am well aware of the workaround for OR via UNION. I am
not trying to improve this query per se as it is the small roo
=> rows_total =
((1735088 * (1 - 0.025)) / 80277) * 46 +
((1735088 * (1 - 1)) / 0) * 5
=> rows_total = 969 + 0 /* no non-null values for contract field */
Please forgive the sloppy math but something along this line could be promising.
Btw, I don't quite understand why the nested loop on contract only is expected
to yield 31662 rows, when the null_frac of field transactions.contract is 1.
Shouldn't that indicate zero rows or some kind of default minimum estimate for
that query?
Thanks again!
Benjamin Coutu
please consider the following SQL query:
SELECT * FROM "transactions" WHERE
"account" IN (SELECT "ID" FROM "accounts" WHERE "name" ~~* '%test%') OR
"contract" IN (SELECT "ID" FROM "contracts" WHERE "name" ~~* '%test%')
This yields the following plan on Postgres 11:
Seq S