Hi list,
In France, the total number of cadastral parcels is around 10 000 000
The data can be heavy, because each parcel stores a geometry (PostGIS
geometry data type inside a geom column).
Indexes must be created to increase performance of day-to-day requests:
* GIST index on geom for spatial
Has anybody got experience of using a range partitioning table using
timestamptz or "timestamp with no timezone" Column and saw any of such
known issues in pruning?
> On Tue, 5 Mar, 2024, 1:09 am sud, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are designing one application which is currently restricted to on
On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 2:14 PM Chema wrote:
> There's one JSON column in each table with a couple fields, and a column
> with long texts in Items.
and earlier indicated the query was:
> Select * from tenders inner join items
You do not want to do a "select star" on both tables unless you 100
> > -> Parallel Seq Scan on pricescope_items (cost=0.00..1027794.01
> rows=3277101 width=522) (actual time=0.753..41654.507 rows=2621681 loops=3)
> Why does it take over 41 seconds to read a table with less than
> 3 million rows? Are the rows so large? Is the tabe bloated?
> What is the siz