I think this is the apprach joshua tried the first time and it backfired... I
think we need a more personal approach. I'm willing to put time into this if
people want a new point man (I don't think Joshua will mind, lmk if you do)
but it will have to wait untill after pgcon.
On Thursday 03 Ma
I was just getting ready to suggest such an approach. We could
email all the project admins for the reamaining projects with the
dead-line. Backup the information and tell people who to contact in
order to claim whatever information they want. Once the dead-line is
past you can simply shutdown
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Why not just send a notice out stated that Gborg will be shutdown as of June
1st ... give a finite deadline to move things over to pgfoundry ... just
because we 'shut down' the site on June 1st, it doesn't mean we are going to
wipe it all out, we c