> Is there a catalog to track those
> psql processes - what their functions, who
> issues, etc.?
> thanks.
> johnl
If you have it enabled in your postgresql.conf, just go:
select * from pg_stat_activity;
---(end of broadcast)---
"John Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I tried to understand what causes
> too many pgsql idle processes. Can
> postmaster automatically aged and
> cleaning up those unused idle process?
Those processes are attached to open client connections. If you don't
like them, change your client to clo
I tried to understand what causes
too many pgsql idle processes. Can
postmaster automatically aged and
cleaning up those unused idle process?
Is there a catalog to track those
psql processes - what their functions, who
issues, etc.?
---(end of broadcast)