2011/7/2 Tom Lane :
> Kohei KaiGai writes:
>> The origin of matter is, as you mentioned, collation to be used for system
>> catalog scan when we reference it via syscache.
>> So, the following chunk should be added, as I did in the userspace access
>> vector patch - part.1.
>> @@ -934,8 +935,7
Kohei KaiGai writes:
> The origin of matter is, as you mentioned, collation to be used for system
> catalog scan when we reference it via syscache.
> So, the following chunk should be added, as I did in the userspace access
> vector patch - part.1.
> @@ -934,8 +935,7 @@ CatalogCacheInitializeCa
On 06/29/2011 05:34 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
> The third key passed to SearchSysCache is CStringGetTextDatum(provider).
> Ultimately FunctionCall2Coll gets called with collation == 0 and
> varstr_cmp fails due to the ambiguity.
> Is there something new that should be used in place of
> CStringGetTe
On 06/29/2011 04:18 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
> 1) COLLATE clause is a new feature in 9.1?
> 2) The doc search feature on postgresql.org does not search the 9.1
> I looked in the 9.1 docs in SQL Commands->SELECT and could find no
> reference to COLLATE. Can anyone point me to som
I signed up to do a review on $subject patch for the commitfest. In
order to do that, I want to get SELinux and contrib/sepgsql properly set
up so that I can test. I ran into a problem when trying to do:
cd contrib/sepgsql
make install (succeeds)
make installcheck