> This does make me wonder (again) about some kind of pg_dump regression
> test. ISTM that a test should be doable by building a DB from data files,
> dumping it, restoring it, then using COPY to extract the data back to files
> (and probably doing a sort on the output). We could also store a BLOB
At 19:10 14/03/01 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>It might even make
>sense for an ArchiveEntry to store both forms of the name, and then
>using code could just select the form wanted instead of calling
>fmtId repeatedly. Not sure.
>BTW, making the -t switch compare to the unquoted name would probably
Philip Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Fixed & done...
Only part of the way there: pg_dump is still pretty seriously broken for
mixed-case table names. Observe:
regression=# create table "Foo" (z int);
regression=# \q
$ pg_dump -a -t '"Foo"' regression
-- Selected TOC Entries:
At 18:41 12/03/01 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>UPDATE pg_class SET reltriggers =
> (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger where pg_class.oid = tgrelid)
>WHERE relname = 'Table';
Fixed & done...
Philip Warner|