Folks, we want organized documentation, not cudos to commentors or
something that is so large that people have to wade through the comments
to see if something is interesting. The focus is the docs, and the
comments are only there to improve the docs. They are there for no
other reason.
Yes, please delete the old comments. We want to merge as many in as we
can, and remove the rest.
Dave Page wrote:
> As you may have noticed we have recently revamped the Interactive
> Documentation on the website (ht
> While we're talking about modifications to idocs, why not have a rating
> system for the usefulness of a comment.
Comment ratings could be useful if the rating is tied to a doc version.
A very useful 7.1 comment may be a little antiquated for 7.3. This
would solve almost all of the issues if c
On 2 Feb 2003, Neil Conway wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 15:22, Dave Page wrote:
> > - Each comment attaches only to the page name, version of the page to
> > which it was submitted *and* subsequent versions (this is the current
> > behaviour).
> >
> > - Each comment should attach to the page
On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 15:22, Dave Page wrote:
> - Each comment attaches only to the page name, version of the page to
> which it was submitted *and* subsequent versions (this is the current
> behaviour).
> - Each comment should attach to the page name to which it was submitted
> regardless of
As you may have noticed we have recently revamped the Interactive
Documentation on the website ( This has
raised a couple of questions about how the idocs should work, so I'd
like to get some votes on the following 2 issues:
1) How should comments be linked to docu