The way I have handled this in the past is to attempt the following
insert, followed by an update if the insert doesn't insert any rows:
insert into foo (fooPK, foo2)
select 'valuePK', 'value2'
where not exists
(select 'x' from foo
where fooPK = 'valuePK')
if number of rows inse
Thanks a lot. Now that I've read your message,
I wonder why I was asking something trivial.
> > In a C application I want to run several
> > insert commands within a chained transaction
> > (for faster execution).
> > >From time to time there will be an insert command
> > causing an
Haller Christoph wrote:
> My first message:
> In a C application I want to run several
> insert commands within a chained transaction
> (for faster execution).
> >From time to time there will be an insert command
> causing an
> ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into a unique index
> As a re
Hi all,
Sorry for bothering you with my stuff for the second time
but I haven't got any answer within two days and the problem
appears fundamental, at least to me.
I have a C application running to deal with meteorological data
like temperature, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, ...