Wade Klaver
Wavefire Technologies Corporation
GPG Public Key at http://archeron.wavefire.com
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Looks like the distclean may have done it. I thought I had already, but who
On Tuesday 20 June 2006 09:51, Tom Lane wrote:
> Wade Klaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Initdb seems to barf on me during the pg_authid bit. Below are the
> > specifics. P
#4 0x081981ad in PortalRun ()
#5 0x08194306 in exec_simple_query ()
#6 0x08196394 in PostgresMain ()
#7 0x0813c908 in main ()
Wade Klaver
Wavefire Technologies Corporation
GPG Public Key at http://archeron.wavefire.com
/"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign .
\ / - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail .
at weekend, eh?
-Wade Klaver
[EMAIL PROTECTED] data]# uname -a
FreeBSD ..com 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #22: Mon Feb 2 13:54:43
PST 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WORKSTATION-5.0-SMP
[EMAIL PROTECTED] data]# gmake --version
GNU Make 3.80
d into a stable branch.
> AFAICT you need a minimum of two levels of triggers invoked by an RI
> trigger to make this happen, so it may be a corner case best left
> unfixed in the 7.3 branch.
> Opinions anyone?
> regards, tom lane
Wade Klaver
nction "c_delete_categories" line 14 at SQL statement
Is this the same message using the new error reporting framework?
On September 23, 2003 09:44 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Wade Klaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Stumbled across an odd problem while c
_mutex() returns BOOL AS '
mutex_count INT4;
SELECT INTO mutex_count COUNT(*) FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
WHERE a.attrelid = c.oid
AND c.relname = ''___c_category_mutex___''
AND a.attname = ''___c_category_