2001-03-12 Thread Pam Withnall
hi, I an using postgresql-7.1beta4 and am trying to use the large text fields. I have heard of TOAST. There is little documentation. I found one section about creating a data type, then creating two functions to convert the data types. Is this how TOAST is implemented? Am I on the right track?

[HACKERS] ExecOpenScanR: failed to open relation

2001-02-23 Thread Pam Withnall
uot; could it be that an index exists when the table doesn't or does it mean the functions did not stop properly ? please help. Pam Withnall

[HACKERS] FUNCTIONS returning a record?

2000-11-02 Thread Pam Withnall
HI, I want to return a record from a FUNCTION in plpgsql procedural language. There are very few examples to go by. It doesn't accept RETURN RECORD. I've tried making a record in the declare section and returning OPAQUE. TYPE temp IS RECORD (id int4, name varchar(50), ); It gives the error java.s

[HACKERS] create function

2000-11-01 Thread Pam Withnall
I have installed plpgsql procedural language ok, I could not get any functions to work. I tried the most simple function as documented: CREATE FUNCTION sptest3 (int4) RETURNS int4 AS 'BEGIN RETURN $1+1; END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; When i call the function from sql