Looks right to me. Either you have some small typo in your code, or the
backend does ... let me know which ...
Note that "insufficient data left in message" could arise from
misformatting of an individual array element with respect to its
individual value size, not only from a mistake at t
Looks right to me. Either you have some small typo in your code, or the
backend does ... let me know which ...
Note that "insufficient data left in message" could arise from
misformatting of an individual array element with respect to its
individual value size, not only from a mistake at t
I'm trying to give support to array parameters for sql commands in my
.net data provider for postgres 7.4, i'm sending the same data as i need
for read array field values but i get always the error :
insufficient data left in message
I'm sending this for array parameters (in binary for
I'm testing the TLS support of my .net data provider for PostgreSQL 7.4
(on Cygwin using PostgreSQL 7.4 Beta 2), i have a question, i'm
receiving Application data messages with a length of 24 bytes than
decrypted are empty messages ( decrypted message length = 0 ), is this
correct behav
1st Beta 1 version of PGSqlClient an ADO.NET Data Provider for
PostgreSQL 7.4+ released.
Beta 1 ( 12-09-2003 )
- - -- -- -
* Better fit to ADO.NET.
* Simple Transport Layer security ( TLS 1.0 ) implementation
It's used yet for both TLS and non-TLS connections but it's not finis
I'm developing a TLS library in C# for my PostgreSQL ADO.NET Data
Provider, i can work well using the openssl test server, using:
openssl s_server -accept 443 -key server.key -cert server.crt -tls1 -bugs
But when i try to use it for connect to postgresql (7.4 on
Windows+Cygwin) i get al
I'm developing a TLS library in C# for my PostgreSQL ADO.NET Data
Provider, i can work well using the openssl test server, using:
openssl s_server -accept 443 -key server.key -cert server.crt -tls1 -bugs
But when i try to use it for connect to postgresql (7.4 on
Windows+Cygwin) i get al
I'm trying to establish a TLS connection to PostgreSQL 7.4 beta 1 on
windows and Cygwin using C#, i have configured PostgreSQL as it's
explained here:
There are anything more that is needed to be done in order to run
I want to know if postgresql 7.4 beta 1 can be configured under Cygwin
with SSL support ??
If the answer is positive how can i do it ?? or where can i found
documentation about this ( under linux or cygwin :) ) ??
Thanks in advance :)
Best regards
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
I want to know if postgresql 7.4 beta 1 can be configured under Cygwin
with SSL support ??
If the answer is positive how can i do it ?? or where can i found
documentation about this ( under linux or cygwin :) ) ??
I have found this on PostgreSQL docs :) i have it configured yet.
Finally after some tests i'm doing this:
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname AS TABLE_SCHEMA,
pg_class.relname AS TABLE_NAME,
pg_attribute.attname AS COLUMN_NAME,
pg_attribute.atttypid AS DATA_TYPE,
pg_attribute.attlen AS COLUMN_SIZE,
pg_attribute.attndims AS COLUMN_DIMENSIONS,
Thanks very much i will try it and comment the results here :)
This is was i'm finally using for retirve column information:
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname AS TABLE_SCHEMA,
pg_class.relname AS TABLE_NAME,
pg_attribute.attname AS COLUMN_NAME,
pg_attribute.atttypid AS DATA_TYPE,
In SERIAL columns the sequence depends on the column, so the association
can be gathered from pg_depend.
Check for a relation between a sequence and column of a table where the
deptype = 'i'. (Taken from pg_dump)
Thanks very much i will try it and comment the results here :)
Best re
I continue to be working in my .NET Data provider for postgres 7.4, i
want to know if there are a simple way for identify autoincrement
fields, i see that for serial and big serial fields the default value is
'nextval(...)' this can be a way for know it but i want to know if there
are a
The JDBC guys wanted to know it. Why is not clear to me, but I figured
it was easy enough to make them happy.
I'm using it too in my .NET Data Provider for allow atomatic encoding of
strings before send it to the server.
Best regards
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
Did you figure this out? I can't see any way that a Sync message would
close a transaction started with BEGIN (or START TRANSACTION). It runs
the same code we run at the end of a simple-Query message, and we'd
definitely have noticed if that were causing premature commit ...
Thanks for an
Sorry for late response...
I could finally get Npgsql to talk protocol 3.0 version :) It is not
100% but it is near...
Great !! I'm going to open my code at sourceforge :)
I give it a try in a test similar to yours... I didn't send the create
database commands just the row insertion.
You do need to use Sync rather than Flush to create transaction
boundaries and error restart points. I suspect your problem was coming
from having only a Flush and not a Sync between the CREATE DATABASE and
the *prior* command.
Huummm there are no prior executed commands, the CREATE DATA
I continue to work in the implementation of the 3.0 protocol in C#, i'm
making a test that consist on:
- Create a database.
- Create a table in the new database.
- Start transaction.
- Insert 100 rows of data in the new table.
- Commit transaction.
For start a transaction i send a Query m
> No, it should just work. Can you give a test case? Do you see similar
> problems with other utility commands, or is it only CREATE DATABASE?
I have made a litlle test more and i have it working now, i have made
change for send a Sync message instead of a Flush message after execute
No, it should just work. Can you give a test case? Do you see similar
problems with other utility commands, or is it only CREATE DATABASE?
I have a litlle test more and i have it working now, i have made change
for send a Sync message instead of a Flush message after execute the
I'm trying to create a database using the extended query mode ( with my
own implementation of the 3.0 protocol in C# ) but i'm having problem,
the CREATE DATABASE command seems to be executed well and the answer of
the server is the expected but the database is never created, if i exec
Yeah, while waiting for the response, I added support for the int4
datatype. It is really encoded as a 4 bytes value.
Uhmmm, where did you take the 2000,1,1 as base from?
If the date is before 2000, days will have a negative value, so date is
calculated correctly backwards?
In the lit
while implementing the protocol 3.0 I could get the data in text mode
setting the format to 0. (Thanks all for helping me out with flush message)
Now, I want to test the binary format. While some primitive types are
easy to realize, for example a int4 field will be encoded in 4 bytes,
Right, the fixed-length array types are a whole 'nother critter.
Best regards
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's
Thanks another wuestion in this case about oidvector i'm reviewing
oidvectorsend() at backend/utils/adt/oid.c and seems that for this
datatype the server sends only array data, i'm rigth ??, i think yes but
i want to be sure ;) ( and i think the same can be applied to int2vector
?? )
Use the source Luke ... array_send, in backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c,
does this:
/* Send the array header information */
pq_sendint(&buf, ndim, 4);
pq_sendint(&buf, v->flags, 4);
pq_sendint(&buf, element_type, sizeof(Oid));
for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++
I'm trying to read an array, using binary format code and my own
implementation of the 3.0 protocol in C#, at this moment i have made
test with arrays of int2 and float4, seems that the server sends a
header of 24 bytes before the data in the buffer, i need to know what
these 24 bytes
That's very good!
Do you know about Npgsql?
Yes i know about it, but i have no see it in deep ( i use Firebird as
RDBMS at this moment ), i decide to take a glance at the 3.0 protocol
using C# when i know about the plans for a native Windows version in 7.4
version :) , but i'm not sure i
Uhmmm, if you don't mind... are you implementing something like a data
provider for Postgresql, or it is just an ad hoc program?
Well i start making a simple library for 3.0 protocol for curiosity only
:), the protocol have a great documentation, but after some some days
i decide to try
>You must send either Flush or Sync after the Parse to force the backend
>to emit its response to Parse. The assumption is that in many cases
>you'll be sending Parse as part of a batch of commands, and the backend
>should batch its responses to minimize the number of network packets
> Sounds like you are sending junk following the Parse message.
You are right thanks very much, but now i have another problem, i don't
get response from the postgresql server, hummm this is what i'm sending
for test:
Byte1 ('P')
Int32 (40)
String ('')
String ('SELECT
> Sounds like you are sending junk following the Parse message.
You are right thanks very much, but now i have another problem, i don't
get response from the postgresql server, hummm this is what i'm sending
for test:
Byte1 ('P')
Int32 (40)
String ('')
String ('SELECT
Your Parse message looks fine, but the server will not actually send its
ParseComplete response until you send a Sync or Flush message. The idea
is that Parse is usually going to be part of a series of operations, and
you don't want a separate network packet coming back for each operation
> Sounds like you are sending junk following the Parse message.
You are right thanks very much, but now i have another problem, i don't
get response from the postgresql server, hummm this is what i'm sending
for test:
Byte1 ('P')
Int32 (40)
String ('')
String ('SELECT
35 matches
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