, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Arun Chaitanya
> wrote:
>> I wanted to take up this as a GSOC 2012 project.
> This would be a great query planner optimization but the chances of
> getting it done in one summer as a GSoC project
post a link to the paper, otherwise people who are not GSoC
> mentors will have no idea what you're talking about ;-). Posting an example
> query and access plans would illustrate the point, too.
> On 30.03.2012 14:33, Arun Chaitanya wrote:
>> Hi,
I wanted to take up this as a GSOC 2012 project.
SQL supports nested queries. When the inner query contains a
correlation variable the present optimizer takes an iterative
execution plan. If the inner query scans over a relation, the
iterative plan chosen can be sub-optimal.
The goal of this