Hey folks
It appears that the commit a445cb92ef5b3a31313ebce30e18cc1d6e0bdecb
causes ld to bail when building *without* OpenSSL support:
utils/misc/guc.o:(.data+0x4d80): undefined reference to `ssl_cert_file'
utils/misc/guc.o:(.data+0x4ddc): undefined reference to `ssl_key_file'
ename emp.ename%TYPE) IS
INSERT INTO emp (emp.empno, emp.ename)
VALUES (insert_emp.empno, insert_emp.ename);
Both are valid, and notice how the latter evinces disambiguation
supported both ways.
Affan Salman
Patch submitted.
Affan Salman
EnterpriseDB Corporation http://www.enterprisedb.com
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
subxact*; at the UPDATE FK trigger event queuing time it is compared
with the XID for *updateSavePoint subxact* and results in missing a
requisite RI check.
Affan Salman
EnterpriseDB Corporationhttp://www.enterprisedb.com
---(end of broadcast)--
On 7/7/05, David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It would need to be a fairly strong one, given that they basically
> > violate the relational model. If what you're really interested in
> > is XML data support, then I'd suggest focusing on that instead.
> XML data support would be best if
On 7/7/05, Darren Alcorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was interested as to if there were plans to develop SQL99 nested
> tables. I know with AJAX(tm) starting to grow in popularity that the
> XML features of SQL2003 would prove useful for EnterpriseDB.
Although this discussion seems to be hea