Op 21-03-2022 om 21:13 schreef Greg Stark:
Hm. Actually... These changes were split off from the JSON_TABLE
patches? Are they still separate or have they been merged into those
other patches since? I see the JSON_TABLE thread is getting more
comments do those reviews include these patches?
h to point there.
But such links with a hash are probably not maintainable; I don't know
if a URL can be forged without the hash? Probably not.
Otherwise it may be better to remove the link altogether and just have
the acronym lemma: 'HOT' and explanation 'Heap-Only Tuple
On 2020-12-25 16:19, Bruce Momjian wrote:
Add key management system
doc/src/sgml/database-encryption.sgml | 97 +
Attached are a few typos.
I also noticed that this option does not occur in the initdb --help:
-u --copy-encryption-keys
Was that deliberate?
On 2020-12-26 05:52, Pavel Stehule wrote:
so 19. 12. 2020 v 7:57 odesílatel Pavel Stehule
[schema-variables-20201222.patch.gz (~]
only rebase
rebase and comments fixes
Hi Pavel,
This file is the exact same as the file you sent Tuesday. Is it a
should be
and changed it accordingly, please double-check.
Erik Rijkers
--- doc/src/sgml/ref/create_variable.sgml.orig 2021-01-08 17:40:20.181823036 +0100
+++ doc/src/sgml/ref/create_variable.sgml 2021-01-08 17:59:46.976127524 +0100
@@ -16,7
then again, I do this test
a few times every week, and it never fails.
This weekend I can dig into it some more (make a self-sufficient example) but I
thought I'd mention it already. perhaps one of you see the light immediately...
Erik Rijkers
> On 02/13/2021 11:49 AM Amit Kapila wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 10:00 PM wrote:
> >
> > > On 02/12/2021 1:51 PM Amit Kapila wrote:
> > >
> > > On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 6:04 PM Erik Rijkers wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
the meaning is more associated with memory. Therefore it would be good
I think to explicitly use 'heap file' at least in the beginning once to
make clear that heap implies 'safely written away to disk'. Again, I'm
not quite sure if my understanding is correct -
On 2020-11-01 16:38, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
On 30.10.20 17:45, Erik Rijkers wrote:
And I wrote down some separate items:
'Two Phase Locking' and 'TPL' should be, I think,
'Two-Phase Commit'. Please someone confirm.
(no changes made)
Erik Rijkers
All suggestion
On 2020-11-02 09:26, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
A first approach to implement protections against concurrent
access to the same data may be the locking of critical
rows. Two such techniques are:
Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC)
and Two Phase Locking (2PL).
PostgreSQL i
On 2020-11-02 10:03, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
While looking at the parallel copy patches, it started to annoy me how
large copy.c is. It confuses my little head. (Ok, it's annoyed me many
times in the past, but I haven't done anything about it.)
On 2020-11-02 12:19, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 02/11/2020 11:36, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2020-11-02 10:03, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
While looking at the parallel copy patches, it started to annoy me
large copy.c is. It confuses my little head. (Ok, it's annoyed me
times i
On 2020-11-07 13:24, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
Because there have been no more comments in the last days I created a
consolidated patch. It contains Erik's suggestion and some tweaks for
the text size within graphics.
I went through architecture.sgml once more; some
chosen over the faster btree?
Erik Rijkers
On 2020-11-14 12:53, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 6:07 PM Alexander Korotkov
Note that those indexes may not be as afficient as regulat B-tree
for equality operator.
'afficient as regulat' should be
'efficient as regular'
Sorry to be nitpicking - it's t
On 2020-11-15 06:55, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> Sorry to be nitpicking - it's the one thing I'm really good at :P
Hi Alexander,
The last touch... (you forgot the missing 'the')
Erik Rijkers
--- doc/src/sgml/pgtrgm.sgml.orig 2020-11-15 08:00:54.607816533
This one seems to have fallen by the wayside.
--- doc/src/sgml/ref/create_index.sgml.orig 2020-11-16 13:04:29.923760413 +0100
+++ doc/src/sgml/ref/create_index.sgml 2020-11-16 13:04:54.260093095 +0100
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
- The regularly system collects statistics on all of a tabl
On 2020-11-15 19:45, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
(smallish) Changes to arch-dev.sgml
--- ./doc/src/sgml/arch-dev.sgml.orig 2020-11-20 19:14:21.576775798 +0100
+++ ./doc/src/sgml/arch-dev.sgml 2020-11-20 21:43:10.435370787 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
This chapter originated as part
ces in the newly added sgml/html. The unwanted spaces are
visible also in the pdf.
(firefox 78.6.1, debian)
Erik Rijkers
On 2021-01-18 10:59, Pavel Stehule wrote:
and here is the patch
[schema-variables-20200118.patch.gz ]
One small thing:
The drop variable synopsis is:
In that text following it, 'RESTRICT' is not documented. When used it
available, either serving the html, or to make docs html+pdf a
downloadable zipfile?
(it would also be useful to be able see at a glance somewhere if the
patch contains sgml-changes at all...)
Erik Rijkers
without wrapper"
and: "HINT: use WITH WRAPPER clause to wrap SQL/JSON item
sequence into array"
Erik Rijkers
Nikita Glukhov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company
--- ./doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.orig 2021-01-20 14:52:35.5644
here ony if
included here only if
Erik Rijkers
fixed issues in pg_dump + regress tests
> [0001-schema-variables-20211219.patch]
> [0002-schema-variables-20211219.patch]
Hi Pavel,
I get an error during test 'session_variables'.
(on the upside, my own little testsuite runs without error)
Erik Rijkers
> [0001-schema-variables-20211219-2.patch]
> [0002-schema-variables-20211219-2.patch]
Hi Pavel,
You said earlier
> 1. The schema variables were renamed to session variable
But I still see:
$ grep -Eic 'schema variable' postgres.html
(postgres.html from 'make postgres.html')
So that rename
The replacement is a ~200 euro pdf (2021). I'd be thankful if someone
would send the pdf to me; maybe I can update my JSON tests.
And we should remove that entry from the bibliography (or have it point
to the new page [1]).
Erik Rijkers
[1] https://www.iso.org/standard/78937.html
ated but if I use this phrase:
when not matched and (id > 10)
I get:
ERROR: column "id" does not exist
LINE 2: when not matched and id > 0 -- (t2.id > 10) and (t1.id > 10)
HINT: There is a column named "id" in table "t1", but it cannot be
referenced from this part of the query.
Is that hint correct? Seems a bit strange.
Erik Rijkers
'The MERGE allows the user'
'MERGE allows the user'
(from the paragraph 'Read Committed Isolation Level'. Likely
copied from the paragraph above: 'The DELETE'; but there it refers to an
earlier mention of DELETE.)
Erik Rijkers
E VARIABLE page the example is:
CREATE VARIABLE var1 AS integer;
SELECT var1;
I suggest to make that
LET var1 = (select current_date);
SELECT var1;
So that the example immediately shows an application of functionality.
Erik Rijkers
> Pavel
> On 2021.03.24. 08:09 Pavel Stehule wrote:
> [...]
> [plpgsql-routine-label-20210324.patch]
In that sgml
"the functions' arguments"
should be
"the function's arguments"
> On 2021.03.24. 16:38 Peter Eisentraut
> wrote:
> Committed.
'In cases full units' seems strange.
Not a native speaker but maybe the attached changes are improvements?
Erik Rijkers--- ./doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.orig 2021-03-24 18:16:01.269515354 +0100
+++ ./do
> On 2021.03.26. 21:28 Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> On 3/25/21 8:10 AM, David Steele wrote:
> > On 1/20/21 8:42 PM, Nikita Glukhov wrote:
> >> Thank you for review.
> >>
> >> Attached 45th version of the patches. "SQL/JSON functions" patch
> >> corresponds to
> >> v52 patch set posted in the separate t
es" text[] path '$. "array"'
, "randfloat" float path '$. "random float" '
) as jt1
where js @> ('[ { "city": "Santiago de Cuba" } ]')
and js[0]->>'firstname' = 'Gilda'
ERROR: function ExecEvalJson not in llvmjit_types.c
That statement only errors out if the table is large enough. I have no time now
to make a sample table but if no-one understands the problem off-hand, I'll try
to construct such a table later this week (the one I'm using is large, 1.5 GB).
Erik Rijkers
> On 2021.03.30. 22:25 Nikita Glukhov wrote:
> On 30.03.2021 19:56, Erik Rijkers wrote:
> >> On 2021.03.27. 02:12 Nikita Glukhov wrote:
> >>
> >> Attached 47th version of the patches.
> > Hi,
> >
> > Apply,
> On 2021.04.03. 14:01 Erik Rijkers wrote:
> Hello,
> Attached is a small but confusing mistake in the json documentation (a @@
> instead of @?) that has been there since version 12. (It took me quite some
> time to figure that out while testing with the re
Recently (last day or so), I get this warning from gcc 10.2:
hba.c:3160:18: warning: comparison of unsigned enum expression < 0 is always
false [-Wtautological-compare]
if (auth_method < 0 || USER_AUTH_LAST < auth_method)
~~~ ^ ~
1 warning generated.
> On 2021.04.07. 13:57 Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 01:24:01PM +0200, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 1:01 PM Erik Rijkers wrote:
> > > Recently (last day or so), I get this warning from gcc 10.2:
> [gcc-hba-warnin
doesn't apply anymore, as cfbot shows, but instances can still be built
on top of 6131ffc43ff from 30 march 2021)
I hope it will fare better next round, version 15.
Erik Rijkers
Those patches gave some complains about
PostgreSQL/Test/PostgresVersion.pm being absent so I added this
deletion. I'm not sure that's correct but it enabled the build and
check-world ran without errors.
Erik Rijkers
--- src/test/perl/Makefile.orig2
Also the pdf builds ok.
Erik Rijkers
Op 27-10-2021 om 18:02 schreef Gilles Darold:
Otherwise, build, make check, chekc-world are OK. Also the pdf builds
Thanks Erik, new version v6 attached.
Anther small thing: the test_decoding module was overlooked, I think.
Below is output from make check-world (this error does no
Op 09-11-2021 om 17:25 schreef Jonathan S. Katz:
Attached please find a draft of the release announcement for 2021-11-11.
"overflowed-subsraction" should probably be
Erik Rijkers
made some changes. I hope it can count as
It would probably also be a good idea to add the term "covering index"
somewhere, at least in the documentation's index; the term does now not
occur anywhere. (This doc-patch does not add it)
Erik Rijkers
--- d
public | nt0___1 | table | aardvark |
| 4224 MB
public | nt0___1uniqueinclude_idx | index | aardvark |
nt0___1 | 3004 MB
(for what it's worth, I'm in favor of getting this patch into v11
although I can't say I followed the technical
On 2018-04-07 14:27, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 2:57 PM, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2018-04-06 20:08, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
After some more testing I notice there is also a down-side/slow-down
this patch that is not so bad but more than
On 2019-09-11 08:14, Pavel Stehule wrote:
[matviews not showing up in information_schema.tables]
Is it expected behave? Tested on master branch.
I think it is; it has been like this all along.
( matviews are in pg_matviews. )
+ The SQL/JSON standard borrows its definition for how regular
+ from the LIKE_REGEX operator, which in turns
uses the
+ XQuery standard.
That sentence needs the verb 'work', no? 'for how regular expressions
work [..]'
Or alternatively drop 'how'.
Erik Rijkers
Context: I'm trying to compile the jsonpath v36 patches (these apply
OK), and on top of those the jsonfunctions and jsontable patch series.
That fails for me (on
0001-Implementation-of-SQL-JSON-path-language-v36.patch), and now I'm
wondering why that does not agree with what the patch-te
On 2019-03-06 13:00, Nikita Glukhov wrote:
On 06.03.2019 13:11, Erik Rijkers wrote:
Context: I'm trying to compile the jsonpath v36 patches (these apply
OK), and on top of those the jsonfunctions and jsontable patch series.
Patch 0001-Implementation-of-SQL-JSON-path-language-v36.patch
losed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
connection to server was lost
(both statements are needed to force the crash)
Erik Rijkers
On 2019-03-24 10:32, Pavel Stehule wrote:
ne 24. 3. 2019 v 10:25 odesílatel Erik Rijkers napsal:
On 2019-03-24 06:57, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> Hi
> rebase against current master
I ran into this:
(schema 'varschema2' does not exist):
drop variable varschema2.testv casc
On 2019-01-16 22:40, Erik Rijkers wrote:
If you add a generated column to a file_fdw foreign table, it works OK
wih VIRTUAL (the default) but with STORED it adds an empty column,
silently. I would say it would make more sense to get an error.
VIRTUAL is gone, but that other issue is still
st -1
percent rows only
is correctly caught (with "ERROR: PERCENT must not be negative") but:
select * from onek where thousand < 5 order by thousand fetch first
101 percent rows only
is not. It doesn't return, and cannot be Ctrl-C'ed out of, which I guess
is another bug?
Erik Rijkers
ocumented in the .sgml to behave as it does, but it
seems wrong to me;
shouldn't that 10.4-percent-query yield 10 rows instead of 11?
Erik Rijkers
ffset 9 lines).
checking file src/test/subscription/t/013_row_filter.pl
perhaps that can be fixed?
Erik Rijkers
On 2019-09-02 01:43, Euler Taveira wrote:
Em dom, 1 de set de 2019 às 06:09, Erik Rijkers
The first 4 of these apply without error, but I can't get 0005 to
This is what I use:
Erik, I generate a new patch set with patience diff algorithm. It
seems it applies cl
Do you agree this is a bug?
thanks (also to both Alexeys :))
Erik Rijkers
by the way, this script won't run as-is on other machines; it has stuff
particular to my local setup.
# postgres binary compiled with
# pgpatches/0130/logrep_rowfilter/20190902/v2-0001-Remov
a bug, no? Surely the description strings should be available
at the receiving end.
Do you agree this is an oversight that should be fixed?
Erik Rijkers
int *tzp);
No errors, and 'make check' and 'make check-world' are both OK.
Erik Rijkers
On 2018-01-27 11:49, Oliver Ford wrote:
On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 7:40 AM, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2018-01-27 00:35, Oliver Ford wrote:
Attached patch implements an extensible version of the RANGE with
values clause. It doesn't actually add any more type support than was
removed, replaced with a sortByAsc
bool. It no longer changes catversion.
There must be a small difference here but I don't even see it...
Sorry to be bothering you with these tiny things :)
Erik Rijkers
Once more trying to attach the regression.diffs
On 2018-01-30 17:31, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2018-01-30 17:08, Oliver Ford wrote:
On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:48 AM, Oliver Ford
I will send out v10 soon with the desc functions removed and the
EXCLUDE_NO_OTHERS define removed.
include $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/common.mk
Can you have a look?
Erik Rijkers
On 2019-04-02 14:43, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
On 2019-04-01 10:52, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
On 2019-03-31 05:49, Erik Rijkers wrote:
file_fdw foreign table still silently creates the column which then
turns out to be useless on SELECT, with an error like:
On 2019-04-02 15:36, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2019-04-02 14:43, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
On 2019-04-01 10:52, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
On 2019-03-31 05:49, Erik Rijkers wrote:
file_fdw foreign table still silently creates the column which then
turns out to be useless on SELECT, with
will hopefully later be added.
Erik Rijkers--- 12beta1.md.orig 2019-05-22 06:33:16.286099932 +0200
+++ 12beta1.md 2019-05-22 06:48:24.279966057 +0200
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
Additionally, PostgreSQL 12 adds the ability to rebuild indexes concurrently,
which lets you perform a
make[1]: *** [submake-catalog-headers] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
make: *** [submake-generated-headers] Error 2
Makefile:141: recipe for target 'submake-catalog-headers' failed
src/Makefile.global:370: recipe for target 'submake-generated-headers'
Erik Rijkers
On 2018-10-30 09:35, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
[v5-0001-Generated-columns.patch ]
I couldn't get this to apply to current head.
I tried:
patch --dry-run --ignore-whitespace -p 0 -F 5 <
and varied both -p and -F paramaters to no avail. Am I doing it wrong
On 2018-10-31 09:15, Simon Riggs wrote:
On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 07:58, Erikjan Rijkers wrote:
I have also noticed that logical replication isn't possible on tables
with a generated column. That's a shame but I suppsoe that is as
Couldn't see anything like that in the patch. Presu
will need some tweaking of PATHs,
PG-variables (PGPASSFILE) etc). This is the same program I used in
march when you first posted a version of this patch alhough the error is
Erik Rijkers
# postgres binary compiled with
# 20181101
# 0001-Remove-un
On 2018-11-01 08:56, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2018-11-01 01:29, Euler Taveira wrote:
Em qua, 28 de fev de 2018 às 20:03, Euler Taveira
The attached patches add support for filtering rows in the publisher.
I ran pgbench-over-logical-replication with a WHERE-clause and could
not get
On 2018-11-02 02:59, Euler Taveira wrote:
Em qui, 1 de nov de 2018 às 05:30, Erik Rijkers
> I ran pgbench-over-logical-replication with a WHERE-clause and could
> not get this to do a correct replication. Below is the output of the
> attached tes
In fact, I think I would like it.
I hope you agree.
Erik Rijkers
those assignments.
Erik Rijkers
--- ./contrib/pg_prewarm/autoprewarm.c.orig 2018-11-23 13:34:08.237110218 +0100
+++ ./contrib/pg_prewarm/autoprewarm.c 2018-11-23 13:34:38.333492968 +0100
@@ -207,8 +207,6 @@
/* Periodically dump buffers until terminated. */
while (!got_sigterm
result should be the same as from:
psql --csv -Xc "select * from pg_namespace order by 1"
Erik Rijkers
13 MB |
public | pgbench_accounts_pkey | index | aardvark | pgbench_accounts |
2208 kB |
(2 rows)
Erik Rijkers
our of acquiring this functionality as
soon as possible.
Erik Rijkers
On 2018-03-01 16:27, Erik Rijkers wrote:
On 2018-03-01 00:03, Euler Taveira wrote:
The attached patches add support for filtering rows in the publisher.
ached the produced reject file.
Erik Rijkers--- src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
+++ src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
@@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@
DESCR("statistics: information about currently active backends");
DATA(insert OID = 3318 ( pg_stat_get_progress_info PGNSP PGUID 12 1 100 0
Typo. fix:
-attempted first. If the server ejectes GSS encryption, SSL is
+attempted first. If the server rejects GSS encryption, SSL is
Erik--- doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml.orig 2024-04-09 06:28:36.254541932 +0200
+++ doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml 2024-04-09 06:30:55.818541454 +0200
@@ -18
Op 3/4/24 om 10:40 schreef Amit Langote:
Hi Jian,
Thanks for the reviews and sorry for the late reply. Replying to all
emails in one.
> [v40-0001-Add-SQL-JSON-query-functions.patch]
> [v40-0002-Show-function-name-in-TableFuncScan.patch]
> [v40-0003-JSON_TABLE.patch]
In my hands (applying with
Op 14-12-2022 om 05:54 schreef Pavel Stehule:
fresh rebase
typo alert:
v20221214-0003-LET-command.patch contains
errmsg("target session varible is of type %s"
('varible' should be 'variable')
Can we change 'convey' to 'confer' in these recent doc changes?
Maybe 'convey a privilege' isn't exactly wrong but it leaves you
wondering what exactly is meant.
--- doc/src/sgml/ref/createuser.sgml.orig 2023-01-05 21:37:35.803839575 +0100
+++ doc/src/sgml/ref/createuser.sgml 20
I hope someone understands what's going wrong.
Erik Rijkers
Description: application/shellscript
On 1/15/23 12:33, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
On 2023-Jan-15, Erik Rijkers wrote:
Logical replication sometimes gets stuck with
ERROR: int2vector has too many elements
Weird. This error comes from int2vectorin which amusingly only wants to
read up to FUNC_MAX_ARGS values in the array
it's better to say:
'Any NULL values are omitted unless NULL ON NULL is specified'
I've found no bugs in functionality.
Erik Rijkers
Op 3/29/23 om 12:27 schreef Alvaro Herrera:
On 2023-Mar-28, Erik Rijkers wrote:
In the json_arrayagg() description, it says:
'If ABSENT ON NULL is specified, any NULL values are omitted.'
That's true, but as omitting NULL values is the default (i.e., also without
that clause) ma
of a specified type. If SCALAR or ARRAY or OBJECT is specified, the
test is whether or not the JSON is of that particular type. If WITH
UNIQUE KEYS is specified, then any object in the expression is also
tested to see if it has duplicate keys."
Erik Rijkers
--- doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.ori
Op 5/7/23 om 05:37 schreef Jonathan S. Katz:
Attached is a draft of the release announcement for the upcoming update
release on May 11, 2023.
Please provide any suggestions, corrections, or notable omissions no
later than 2023-05-11 0:00 AoE.
'leak in within a' should be
'leak within a'
forget it. Please let me know if there's anything else you see.
At this stage I think I have finished with the actual code, and I'm
concentrating on improving the docs a bit.
> [ v59 ]
FWIW, I went through func.sgml (of v59) once.
Erik Rijkers
--- doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.or
ons or not)
Erik Rijkers
Description: application/shellscript
Op 29-03-2022 om 12:50 schreef Matthias van de Meent:
On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 11:10, Kyotaro Horiguchi wrote:
At Tue, 29 Mar 2022 17:06:21 +0900 (JST), Kyotaro Horiguchi
wrote in
At Mon, 28 Mar 2022 18:36:46 +0900 (JST), Kyotaro Horiguchi
wrote in
Then, I found that portal->holdSnapshot is
environment it will need some
Erik Rijkers
Description: application/shellscript
Op 19-04-2022 om 02:15 schreef Kyotaro Horiguchi:
At Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:57:02 +0200, Erikjan Rijkers wrote in
Hm. Just now I've recompiled and retried and after 5 runs got the
same crash. Then tried on another machine (also old, I'm afraid),
and built 1a8b11053 and ran the same thing. That
Op 19-04-2022 om 11:25 schreef Kyotaro Horiguchi:
Thaks Erik.
At Tue, 19 Apr 2022 07:00:30 +0200, Erik Rijkers wrote in
Op 19-04-2022 om 02:15 schreef Kyotaro Horiguchi:
Could you read tabstat, *tabstat, trans, *trans here?
To be honest I'm not sure how to, but I gave it a try:
Op 19-04-2022 om 19:36 schreef Andres Freund:
On 2022-04-19 13:50:25 +0200, Erik Rijkers wrote:
The 12th run of statbug.sh crashed and gave a corefile.
I ran through quite a few iterations by now, without reproducing :(
I guess there's some timing issue and you're hitting on y
Op 20-04-2022 om 06:54 schreef Kyotaro Horiguchi:
At Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:55:26 -0700, Andres Freund wrote in
On 2022-04-19 10:36:24 -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
On 2022-04-19 13:50:25 +0200, Erik Rijkers wrote:
The 12th run of statbug.sh crashed and gave a corefile.
I ran through quite
Some small (grammatical) changes in event-trigger.sgml
(also one delete of 'community-we' (which I think is just confusing for
the not-postgresql-community reader).
Erik--- doc/src/sgml/event-trigger.sgml.orig 2023-10-16 17:16:00.017452340 +0200
+++ doc/src/sgml/event-trigger.sgml 2023-10-16
At the moment, what is the patchset to be tested? The latest SQL/JSON
server I have is from September, and it's become unclear to me what
belongs to the SQL/JSON patchset. It seems to me cfbot erroneously
shows green because it successfully compiles later detail-patches (i.e.,
not the S
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