works (See demo in attachment).
Also, in new version of the patch I fixed one stupid bug: checking a
self-join candidate expression operator - we can remove only expressions
like F(arg1) = G(arg2).
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres ProfessionalFrom 70398361a0a0d9c6c3c7ddd1fd305ac11138e7b1 Mon
opy or
+* after an error.
+ *
+ * postgresExecForeignCopy
+ *
+ * postgresBeginForeignCopy
Thanks, fixed.
The patch in attachment rebased on 107a2d4204.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 1c5439d802b7654ee50dc4326b9bc24fc7f44677 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
as relevant to the size of the int type at that time.
Maybe we will change these values to INT_MAX? (See the patch in attachment).
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 98da77cdefd53dbf4ce0c740d1a0f356da970648 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: We
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From a3c1ee9d2e197dee40aed81cb6a08695a8fa2917 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 11:22:32 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Increase values of special varnos to 1 million. Use this
value as a realistic
t done any serious review yet.
Could I or my colleague continue this patch in a few days? It looks it's
stalled over one month.
I don't found any problems with this patch that needed to be corrected.
It is wait for actions from committers side, i think.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 11/24/20 9:27 AM, wrote:
Andrey-san, Fujita-san,
From: Etsuro Fujita
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 5:39 PM Andrey Lepikhov
On 11/23/20 7:49 AM, wrote:
Could I or my colleague continue this patch in a few days? It looks it
d to removing unnecessary relation and
replacing of one oid with another. We are trying to use
remove_rel_from_query() machinery. Perhaps this will allow us to make
the code shorter.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
ce of the JOIN push-down strategy.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
diff --git a/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c
index b6c72e1d1e..3047300c4b 100644
--- a/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c
+++ b/contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c
On 30.11.2020 22:38, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
Maybe it is needed to swap lines 2908 and 2909 (see attachment)?
No; as explained in the comment immediately above here, we're assuming
that the join conditions will be applied on the cross product of the
input relations.
e not going to do them for the
moment, can we rebase and/or further modify them so that they can be committed
in PG 14?
Of course, you can rebase it.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
ctual now?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 22/12/2021 20:42, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
On 5/2/2020 01:24, Tom Lane wrote:
I've not written any actual code, but am close to being ready to.
This thread gives us hope to get started on solving some of the basic
planner problems.
But there is no activity for a long
send/receive/representation implementation of progress?
So AM would define a set of parameters to send into stat collector and
show to users.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
le and simple for implementation.
Any thoughts, comments, criticism ?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
would be better for
performance to collect pointers to all constant nodes during a process
of hash generation.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 10/1/2022 15:39, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 03:24:46PM +0500, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 10/1/2022 13:56, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
Yes. the same input query string doesn't prove that frozen query plan can be
used, because rewrite rules could be changed. So we use only a
but in MacOS (and maybe somewhere else) we need to explicitly link
libintl library in the Makefile:
SHLIB_LINK += $(filter -lintl, $(LIBS)
Also, we may not use gettext at all in this part of the code.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
(patched Postgres binaries
should be available in the PATH). It works well with master and fails
with your patch applied.
I used master a3ab7a707d and v5 version of the patch with your script.
No errors found. Can you check your test case?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
Finally, I suggest renaming ri_usesBulkModify to ri_usesMultiInsert to
reflect its scope.
Please check the attached delta patch that applies on top of v5 to see
what that would look like.
I merged your delta patch (see v6 in attachment) to the main patch.
Currently it seems more com
tovacuum operation. Its effectiveness depends on
relevance of statistics on the remote server, but still.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
>From 329954981959ee3fc97e52266c89a436d02ddf5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2020 09:2
e go along
a difficult route.
Moreover, I believe this strategy should only work if we analyze a
relation implicitly. If the user executes analysis explicitly by the
command "ANALYZE ", we need to perform an fair analysis of the
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
g. In previous threads statistics
was converted row-by-row. I want to suggest to serialize all statistics
tuples for the relation into single json string. On apply phase we can
filter unneeded attributes.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
s an example) for
all oids in this code. It would allow an extension to intercept this
call and replace oid with an arbitrary value.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 12/10/21 18:45, Bruce Momjian wrote:
On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 09:40:47AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
But core jumbling code is good, fast and much easier in support.
Also, the current code handles renames of schemas and objects, but this
would not.
Yes, It is good option
On 12/10/21 18:40, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
But core jumbling code is good, fast and much easier in support.
A bigger issue is that query ID stability isn't something we are going
to promise on a large scale --- for example, what if a new release adds
some new fields to s
On 14/10/21 10:40, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 12:37 PM Andrey Lepikhov
On 12/10/21 18:45, Bruce Momjian wrote:
On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 09:40:47AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
I think that there are just too many arbitrary decisions that could be
emory (see ShmemInitHash() + shmem_startup_hook)
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
On 25/03/2019 15:21, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 25/03/2019 09:57, David Steele wrote:
On 2/6/19 2:08 PM, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
The patchset had a problem with all-zero pages, has appeared at index
build stage: the generic_log_relation() routine sends all pages into the
WAL. So lsn field
On 26/03/2019 15:59, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 26/03/2019 11:29, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 25/03/2019 15:21, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Hmm. When do we create all-zero pages during index build? That seems
pretty surprising.
GIST uses buffered pages. During GIST build it is possible (very
On 02/08/2019 04:54, Thomas Munro wrote:
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 6:42 PM Andrey Lepikhov
Version v.17 of the patch that fix the bug see in attachment.
While moving this to the September CF, I noticed that it needs to be
updated for the recent pg_list.h API changes.
The patch was
v.21 in attechment fix small bug:
Now we move all non-mergejoinable clauses from joininfo to base restrict
info because of the relation will not be joined.
On 30/09/2019 13:29, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
Slightly refactored version of the patch with more comments.
Andrey Lepikhov
One issue is that your patch provides small information. WAL errors
Investigation often requires information on xid, subxacts,
delete-on-abort/commit rels; rarely - invalidation messages etc.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
On 08/11/2019 09:26, Kyotaro Horiguchi wrote:
At Fri, 8 Nov 2019 08:23:41 +0500, Andrey Lepikhov
wrote in
Can I switch the status back to "Needs review"?
One issue is that your patch provides small information. WAL errors
Investigation often requires informat
12.11.2019 12:41, Fujii Masao пишет:
Ok, I changed the patch that way.
Attached is the latest version of the patch.
I did not see any problems in this version of the patch. The information
displayed by pg_waldump for the PREPARE record is sufficient for use.
Andrey Lepikhov
As you can see, executor scan each of 1e5 outer tuples despite the fact
that inner can't return any tuples.
Teodor Sigaev and I developed a patch to solve this problem. Result of
explain analyze procedure can be found in the 'optimized_execution.txt'.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres P
On 12/11/19 8:49 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
During NestLoop execution we have bad corner case: if outer subtree
contains tuples the join node will scan inner subtree even if it does
not return any tuples.
So the first question about corner-case optimizations like this is
omments of the patch) the subquery hashing
has the same execution time with queries No.13-17. At the queries
No.1-12 it is not so slow as without hashing, but works more slowly (up
to 3 orders) than NOT IN optimization.
On 12/2/19 9:25 PM, Li, Zheng wrote:
Here is the latest rebased patch.
NOT EXISTS. The convert_EXISTS_sublink_to_join() routine can contain
vars of the parent query.
May be you give an trivial example for this problem?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
Rebased version v.22.
- Added enable_self_join_removal GUC (true is default)
- The joinquals of the relation that is being removed, redistributed in
accordance with the remove_rel_from_query () machinery.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres
can see the
influence of the patch on WAL growth.
AM | master | patch |
GIN | 347 MB | 66 MB |
GiST| 157 MB | 43 MB |
SP-GiST | 119 MB | 38 MB |
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
>From 2edd0ada13b4749487d0f
(see attachment).
It utilizes the idea of linear increment of LSN/NSN. WAL write process
is used for change NSN value to 1 for each block of index relation.
I hope this can be a fairly clear and safe solution.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 11/04/2019 13:14, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 11/04/2019 09:10, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 10/04/2019 20:25, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 09/04/2019 19:11, Anastasia Lubennikova wrote:
After introducing GistBuildNSN this code path became unreachable.
To fix it, I added new flag to
custom_scan_tlist) we will get errors in the
set_customscan_references() call.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
>From 938904d179e0a4e31cbb20fb70243d2b980d8dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Fri, 19 Apr
into two
patches: 1a8a4e5 and e7cb7ee.
It is possible that custom_scan_tlist is designed too nontrivially, and
it is possible that it needs some comments describing in more detail how
to use it.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
On 22.10.2018 2:06, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 17/08/2018 06:47, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
I propose the patch for fix one small code defect.
The XLogReadRecord() function reads the pages of a WAL segment that
contain a WAL-record. Then it creates a readRecordBuf buffer in private
memory of a
packing or compression can add the memcpy() where it
needs it.
I agree with it. Eventually, placement of the WAL-record can be defined
by comparison the record, readBuf and readRecordBuf pointers.
In attachment new version of the patch.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
g the WAL-record
writing process.
Maybe you will do a test without writing any data to disk?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
On 26.10.2018 10:33, Kyotaro HORIGUCHI wrote:
At Tue, 23 Oct 2018 10:25:27 +0500, Andrey Lepikhov wrote
in <>
On 23.10.2018 0:53, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
I'd expect the decompression to read from the on-disk buffer,
rown twice. May be
you move this to some service routine?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
. You can verify it by tracking the
object_address_present_add_flags() routine return value.
Some doubts, however, may be regarding the 'triggers' test.
May you specify the test failures do you mean?
On 04.11.2018 9:31, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 8:52 PM Andrey Lepikhov
I applied your patches at top of master. After tests corrections
(related to TID ordering in index relations DROP...CASCADE operation)
'make check-world' passed successfully many tim
er objects depend on it
-DETAIL: extension earthdistance depends on extension cube
+DETAIL: extension earthdistance depends on function cube_out(cube)
Can anyone think of a workable, scalable approach to fixing the
processing order of this findDependentObjects() pg_depend scan so that
we reliably g
for the record contents? Let's not forget that the contents of
XLogReaderState are public.
According to my experience, I clarify some comments to avoid this
mistakes in the future (see attachment).
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgre
On 20.11.2018 6:30, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:48:06AM +0500, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
According to my experience, I clarify some comments to avoid this mistakes
in the future (see attachment).
No objections from here.
- * The returned pointer (or *errormsg) points
; Nested Loop
-> HashAggregate
This change in the test behaviour is induced by the a5fc4641
"Avoid making commutatively-duplicate clauses in EquivalenceClasses."
Nothing special, as I see. Attached patch fixes this.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 3e546637561bf
#x27;t it?
In attachment you can see some sketch that reduces a number of planner
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
Description: application/shellscript
diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepjointree.c b/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepjointree.c
just commit it.
Thanks, I have written the letter because of some doubts too. But only
one weak point I could imagine - if someday sql standard will be changed.
Your code looks better, than previous attempt.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
paths. So, we can avoid planning overhead and non-optimal
BitmapOr in the case of many OR's possibly aggravated by many indexes on
the relation.
For example, such operation can be executed in create_index_paths()
before passing rel->indexlist.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
Description: application/sql
have the "isolation tests" option to create stable
execution time-dependent tests now? Or I'm not aware about some test
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 1/19/23 11:01, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrey Lepikhov writes:
On 1/9/23 23:52, Tom Lane wrote:
BTW, if this does bring the probability of failure down to the
one-in-a-billion range, I think we could also nuke the whole
"ignore:" business, simplifying pg_regress and allowing the
planner and executor hooks
for some purposes. So, any thoughts will be useful.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres ProfessionalFrom 944ce61d7ff934727240d90ee7620bfb69ad3a5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Lepikhov
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 16:59:30 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add on more
n idea here - if an extension holds custom struct and want to pass it
along all planning and execution stages it should use extensible node
with custom read/write/copy routines.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From ab101322330684e9839e46c26f70ad5462e40dac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
On 5/7/2023 21:28, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
During the significant code revision in v.41 I lost some replacement
operations. Here is the fix and extra tests to check this in the future.
Also, Tom added the JoinDomain structure five months ago, and I added
code to replace relids for that
in the query plan in attachment.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 33953655c9ac3f9ec64b80c9f2a2ff38bd178745 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:20:03 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] Explore alternative orderings of group-by pathk
On 20/7/2023 18:46, Tomas Vondra wrote:
On 7/20/23 08:37, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 3/10/2022 21:56, Tom Lane wrote:
Revert "Optimize order of GROUP BY keys".
This reverts commit db0d67db2401eb6238ccc04c6407a4fd4f985832 and
several follow-on fixes.
Since we're hard up agai
g lists of derives or ec_members, we should go through all
the index lists and fix them, which is a non-trivial operation.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
lids adjustment. So you can build a more general view of the
problem with this patch.
[1] Asymmetric partition-wise JOIN
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
ut contains too small tuples. It solves the issue, Isn't it?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
of parameters?
And at the end. If someone wants a lot of additional statistics, why not
give them that by extension? It is only needed to add a hook into the
point of the node explanation and some efforts to make instrumentation
extensible. But here, honestly, I don't have code/ideas so fa
ndexes only.
Maybe to change compare_path_costs_fuzzily() and add some heuristic, for
"If selectivity of both paths gives us no more than 1 row, prefer to use
a unique index or an index with least selectivity."
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
diff --git a/src/backend/bootstrap/bootstrap.c
index 5810f8825e..4d7bf2c0e4 100644
--- a/src/backend/bootstrap/bootstrap.c
+++ b/src/backend/bootstrap/bootstrap.c
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ BootstrapModeMain(int argc, char
x27;t find a problem either. I just feel uncomfortable if, at the
moment of interruption, we have a descriptor of another query than the
query have been executing and holding resources.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
ve extended statistics on distinct values and these
statistics cover some set of first columns in the grouping list, we can
optimize these positions. It also looks reliable.
Any thoughts?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 28/9/2023 09:04, torikoshia wrote:
On 2023-09-25 18:49, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 25/9/2023 14:21, torikoshia wrote:
On 2023-09-20 14:39, Lepikhov Andrei wrote:
Hmm, as a test, I made sure to call ProcessLogQueryPlanInterrupt() on
all CFI using
s NOT NULL)..."
may be change to
"Return pullout predicate (x is NOT NULL or NOT EXISTS...)"?
4. is_node_nonnullable():
I think one more case of non-nullable var may be foreign key constraint.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
potentially self joined relations may belong to
different rules of order restriction in join_info_list.
3. Add test for item 2.
The CF entry has been updated to Needs review.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
The Russian Postgres Company
growth of this
value? - see in attachment patch to previous fixes.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professionaldiff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
index 70af9c91d5..4e26cd275d 100644
--- a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
rt with the original path, not the
modified one we built in the last iteration. Or am I missing something
You are right, I misunderstood the idea of path_save variable.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
e shared with other extension
that might be dealing with similar concerns.
I think, it depends on a specific purpose of an extension.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
return a sample like you read
tuples locally. Also, to get such parts of samples asynchronously, we
can get size of each partition on a preliminary step of analysis.
In my opinion, even this solution can reduce heaviness of a problem
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
ientific format like X.XXEXX.
I vote for second option.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
As I see,
everywhere access to these lists guides by eclass_source_indexes and
eclass_derive_indexes correspondingly. Maybe to merge them?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
is not a mistake, maybe to add a comment why assertion here isn't failed?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
quot; filter on a non-nullable column. To be
clear, this is still an improvement (to me) without that.
New version of the feature. Deeply refactored with main goal - to reduce
the code size) and rebased on current master.
Here I didn't work on 'unnecessary IS NOT NULL filter'.
artition - 178 ms; 4 - 263; 8 - 450; 16 - 860; 32 - 1740.
1 - 178 ms; 4 - 583; 8 - 1140; 16 - 2302; 32 - 4620.
So, these results show that we have a reason to use async append in the
case where there's only one foreign server.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
: InstrUpdateTupleCount called on node not yet executed
Initialization script see in attachment.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
Description: application/sql
proach to this would be the
patch you proposed before [1]. Right?
Yes. I think, new solution will be better.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 10/5/21 08:03, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 7:32 PM Andrey Lepikhov
I think a simple fix for this would be just remove the check whether
the instr->running flag is set or not in InstrUpdateTupleCount().
Attached is an updated patch, in which I also updated a comment
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 395b1d62389cf40520a4afd87c11301aa2b17df2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 08:43:03 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Defer selection of asynchronous subplans to the ex
ubplan->async_capable.Thank you, I agree with you.
Close look into the postgres_fdw regression tests show at least one open
problem with this approach: we need to control situations when only one
partition doesn't pruned and append isn't exist at all.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 11/5/21 12:24, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 11:58 AM Andrey Lepikhov
The extra tuple, which is from f1 or f2, would have been kept in the
Append node's as_asyncresults, not returned from the Append node to
the Limit node. The async Foreign Scan nodes would fetch tuples
Next version of the patch.
For searching any problems I forced this patch during 'make check'
tests. Some bugs were found and fixed.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 101614b504b0b17e201d2375c8af61cfc671e51d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Lepikhov
geTblEntry instead?
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 9/13/22 16:40, Andrey Lepikhov wrote:
On 5/9/2022 12:22, Richard Guo wrote:
On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 7:09 PM Andrey Lepikhov>> wrote:
To resolve both issues, lower outer join passes through pull_sublinks_*
into flattening routine (see attachment).
better if the fields have comments.
Ok, I've added some comments.
+ * (for grouping, as an example). So, revert its
status to
+ * a full valued entry.
full valued -> fully valued
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professio
New version, rebased onto current master.
Nothing special, just rebase.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 03aab7a2431032166c9ea5f52fbcccaf7168abec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov"
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 16:58:34 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove self
SELECT * FROM test t1, test t2 WHERE = t2.val;
SELECT * FROM test t1, test t2 WHERE = t2.val;
Here without actual statistics on parent table we make wrong prediction.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
o prevent possible errors in future.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
On 10/12/22 07:56, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 3:06 PM Andrey Lepikhov
I reviewed the patch one more time. Only one question: bistate and
ri_FdwRoutine are strongly bounded. Maybe to add some assertion on
(ri_FdwRoutine XOR bistate) ? Just to prevent possible errors in
studied performance of this code in comparison to bulk INSERTions.
This patch seems to improve speed of insertion by about 20%. Also, this
patch is very invasive. So, I don't have any plans to work on it now.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
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