Thanks for your feedback!
Really, support migration from Oracle isn't the best argumentation for
this patch.
Yes, in postgres already exists int::boolean casting and in case:
select 10::bigint::int::boolean;
it will perfectly work. But if you want to cast more significant number:
select (2^32 писал 2018-02-28 18:04:
Attached patch allow direct convertion of numeric types to bool like
Supported types:
- smallint;
- bigint;
- real;
- double precision;
- decimal(numeric).
This functionality is helped with migration from Oracle.
diff --git a/
Attached patch allow direct convertion of numeric types to bool like
Supported types:
- smallint;
- bigint;
- real;
- double precision;
- decimal(numeric).
This functionality is helped with migration from Oracle.
Nikita Zhuchkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgresp