Re: how to do
profile for pg?
Hi jacktby,
PostgreSQL is literally a large and complicated program i
w it solve this
one? please give me a code example,thanks.
w it solve this
one? please give me a code example,thanks.
I can use relation struct to get all attributes' typeoid, so which funcion I
can use
to get the real type.
Suppose there is a transaction running, how it knows the tuples that are
visible for it?
in src/include/access/htup_details.h, I find out this:
#define HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI 0x1000 /* t_xmax is a MultiXactId */
what's MultiXactId? Can you give me a scenario to make this bit as 1?
From: David G. Johnston
Date: 2023-02-27 00:27
CC: pgsql-hackers
Subject: Re: What's the prefix?
On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 9:16 AM wrote:
use these sqls:
create table t(a text);
insert into t values('a');
select lp,lp_len,t_data from
use these sqls:
create table t(a text);
insert into t values('a');
select lp,lp_len,t_data from heap_page_items(get_raw_page('t',0));
lp | lp_len | t_data
1 | 26 | \x0561
as you can see, the 61 is 'a', so what's the 05??? strange.
From: Tomas Vondra
Date: 2023-02-26 23:23
To:; pgsql-hackers
Subject: Re: Give me more details of some bits in infomask!!
On 2/26/23 15:30, wrote:
> here are the source codes from src/include/access/htup_details.h.
> /*
> * information stored in t
From: Tomas Vondra
Date: 2023-02-26 23:07
To:; pgsql-hackers
Subject: Re: Why the lp_len is 28 not 32?
On 2/26/23 15:35, wrote:
> use these sqls below:
> create table t(a int);
> insert into t values(1);
> select lp,lp_off,lp_len,t_data from hea
that these three bit can have only one to be set 1 at
3. t_cid is a combo CID? what's a CID? give me an example please.
I'm trying to write am table_am extension. But I get "too many Lwlocks taken"
after I insert
too many tuples. So I try to use UnLockBuffers() everywhere; but it still give
me "too many Lwlocks taken",
So how should I release All locks?
When I use 'select * from t where a = 1'; And I debug to find where the 'a = 1'
is used,
when I arrive ExecScan in src/backend/executor/execScan.c, line 158, where this
'a = 1' is
stored in?
I'm doing research on heap_am, and for heap_beginscan func, I find
out that there is a arg called nkeys, I use some sqls as examples like
'select * from t;' and 'select * from t where a = 1', but it is always zero,
can you give me some descriptions for this? wh
When I use 'create table t(a int);'; suppose that this table t's oid is 1200,
then postgres will create a file named 1200 in the $PGDATA/base, So where
is the logic code in the internal?
Hi, I'm trying to construct a new tuple type, that's not heaptuple,
When I get a tupleTableSlot, I will get data info from it and then I
will constuct a new tuple, and now I need to put it into a physical
page, how should I do?
I'm trying to add a new index, but when I finish it, I use “ create index
xxx_index on t1 using xxx(a); ”,it gives me access method "spb" does not exist
And I don't know where this message is from, can you grve me its position?
I'm trying to add a new index, but when I finish it, I use “ create index
xxx_index on t1 using xxx(a); ”,it gives me access method "spb" does not exist
And I don't know where this message is from, can you grve me its position?
Node *rexpr; /* right argument, or NULL if none */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_Expr;
I run a sql like select a,b from t3 where a > 1; and I get the parseTree for
why the name is '-' but not
22 matches
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