What's difference among insert/write/flush lsn?

2020-01-31 Thread Jinhua Luo
flush is flush to file, which makes it persistent. Anybody gives some official explanation? Thanks. Regards, Jinhua Luo

About copy to view

2019-09-17 Thread Jinhua Luo
f trigger on view could not be set to "enable always" or "enable replica", because "alter table" would error it's not a base table, e.g. tmp=# alter table foobar2_view enable always trigger foobar2_view_trigger; ERROR: "foobar2_view" is not a table or foreign table Help please, thanks. Regards, Jinhua Luo

logical replication slot and publication alter

2019-07-01 Thread Jinhua Luo
apshot. Is it expected or it's a bug? Anyways, alter publication would not affect the replication stream is unexpected. Regards, Jinhua Luo

[Logical replication] Does the initial table data copy break the transactional replication?

2018-11-22 Thread Jinhua Luo
splits the changes of the new seen table into other transactions applied by sync worker, so it breaks the original transaction stream? Regards, Jinhua Luo

Is it really difficult for postgres_fdw to implement READ COMMITTED isolation?

2018-09-18 Thread Jinhua Luo
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/postgres-fdw.html#id- As the doc said, the REPEATABLE READ isolation level is used to get snapshot-consistent results. But is it possible that postgres_fdw could get to know which remote queries involved by each top outer command in the l

Re: Is it possible for postgres_fdw to push down queries on co-located tables?

2018-09-18 Thread Jinhua Luo
cessary to join two or more co-located parent tables in complex queries. If not, the postgresql instance on which the parent tables are placed (let's say it's a coordinator node) would be likely the bottleneck.) Tom Lane 于2018年9月18日周二 下午9:43写道: > > Jinhua Luo writes: > > T

EXPLAIN stored procedures

2018-09-18 Thread Jinhua Luo
Normally, EXPLAIN do not include the commands by stored procedures, e.g. aggregated function, trigger, correct? So how to review the plan by those extensions?

What is OLD in INSTEAD OF trigger?

2018-09-18 Thread Jinhua Luo
If the view definition is too complex to be automatic updateable, then how postgresql defines OLD in INSTEAD OF trigger? It cannot bind any column on any table directly then, right? Unless postgresql refresh view as table source before executing trigger? Then it may filter (WHERE sub-clause of UPD

Is it possible for postgres_fdw to push down queries on co-located tables?

2018-09-18 Thread Jinhua Luo
That is, if table `foo` and table `bar` are both tables on the same remote server, then when I do `select * from foo, bar`, can it delegate the whole query on the remote side, rather than fetching rows from both servers one by one and do merging on the local side? For example: ``` foo=> explain s

Can I just reload the slave to change primary_conninfo?

2018-09-10 Thread Jinhua Luo
Hi All, If I need to change the master address from which the slave replicates, must I restart the postgresql? Or just reload is ok?

Re: How to find local logical replication origin?

2018-09-09 Thread Jinhua Luo
Because I found in the source codes that if not explicitly set (e.g. via pg_replication_origin_session_setup), the replorigin_session_origin included in the wal is InvalidRepOriginId, correct? Jinhua Luo 于2018年9月9日周日 下午10:16写道: > > Could I assume all local originated changes i

Re: How to find local logical replication origin?

2018-09-09 Thread Jinhua Luo
Could I assume all local originated changes is with InvalidRepOriginId? Jinhua Luo 于2018年9月8日周六 下午5:41写道: > > Hi All, > > What's the local logical replication origin, which could be used to > filter local changes in the replication slot? > > In other words, I'm

Does logical replication slot itself would be physically replicated to slaves?

2018-09-08 Thread Jinhua Luo
Hi All, My topology is as shown below: slave1 <--physical streaming protocol-master1 master2 -- physical streaming protocol ---> slave2 The master1 and slave1 are within DC1, while the others are within DC2. The logical streaming replication is

How to find local logical replication origin?

2018-09-08 Thread Jinhua Luo
Hi All, What's the local logical replication origin, which could be used to filter local changes in the replication slot? In other words, I'm curious that what's the default replication origin? Because normal DML locally does not set any origin explicitly, correct?