I understand that in READ COMMITTED isolation level, SELECT queries
reads a snapshot of the database as of the instant the query begins.
And also a concurrent transaction(uncommitted) writing to the same
table won't block the readers.
However, I see that in the heap_update(heapam.c) function t
I am trying to understand the Plan tree for select queries. Can you
please help me with the below queries?
1) Why is there a difference in plan tree for these two queries? User
table tidx1 has an index on column 'a' .
2) Why do we do Index scan and not Bitmap Index Scan for catalog tables?
I am pretty new to the Postgres code base. I would like to know the
difference between HeapTupleData and TupleTableSlot structures.
Basically I am trying to understand some of the table access methods like
heap_insert, heap_getnext, heap_getnextslot etc where some accepts
Heaptuple as input a